Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Environmental Impact - 1855 Words
Environmental Impact Analysis Anthony Anderson 3/1/2012 Sanchez and Hudson opened small pediatric office in Riverside, California is an example of having a dream come true without planning for the future. The building has become too large for the staffing that the Two Doctors /entruenpuers have been in for five years, Records are being lost, and waiting rooms packed medical records systems are overloaded with the possibility of patient’s records getting lost. Long lines cause patients to get in patients and staff to get stressed from their inability to serve their customers. The Two business men are spending†¦show more content†¦Leaders must communicate the need for change widely and how that change will help everyone. Leaders need to be proactive and talk to and listen to what the employees have to say, this will help them feel involved and important doing the process. Researching how the Economic, Political, Techno logical, legal and Social/Culture, Demographic trends impacts their continued growth in the community. The economic trends if expanding the company is feasible at this time, financial concerns of the clients have a direct effect on the progress of the company. Such as what kind of disposable income are available, interest rates, inflation and the unemployment rates? All this reflect on the manner of how the company will received payment for services rendered. If unemployment is too high some previous clients will not be able to afford services, , but if inflation and interest rates drop there would be more money for surgery and other projects that could be done around the building. The political trends could involve official’s policies and the wants and needs of their constituents throughout the community. For instance if Hudson and Sanchez where to offered abortions and it wasn’t an excepted norm in that neighborhood it could cause a political hot spot with people for and against their expansion. At the same time if they offered a service the community badly needed like, free health screenings, ofShow MoreRelatedThe Environmental Impact Assessment On The Environment4152 Words  | 17 PagesNON – TECHNICAL SUMMARY The Environmental Impact Assessment is an ongoing process in terms of environmental and social considerations that places in a high priority the conservation and the enhancement of the natural environment. EIA is defined as the study of the effect prediction of a proposed projct on the environment. 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