Saturday, May 23, 2020
Performance Appraisal For Nursing Essay - 1533 Words
the viewer an indication of what the things is like (McKenna, 1970, p12)The nursing models are applied in nursing day to day because is the foundation of the actions nurses do. 12.6 Performance appraisal for nursing A central reason for the utilization of performance appraisal Pas is performance improvement (initially at the level of an individual employee, and ultimately at the level of an organization. Other fundamental reasons include as a basis for employment decisions eg promotion, terminations, transfers, as certain criteria is reached to aid expectations and to establish personal objectives for training programs, transmission of objectives feedback for personal development. As a mean of documentation to aid in keeping track of decisions and legal requirements named in wage and other fringe benefits administration. And is used for formulation of job criteria and selection of individual who is best in performing organization tasks. 12.7 Leadership style in nursing Leadership styles help an infrastructure that influences organizational factors, processes and expectation, for the sake of facilitation of evidence based practices there is increasing interest in human services field by leaders and managing people Theories of leadership helps to manage human resource capital as an assert for any NGO why to tell this because human make things happen while the money make thing possible. 12.8 Continuing education for nurses Continuing education eliminates continued ignorance,Show MoreRelatedAssignment 3: Evaluation and Morale1070 Words  | 4 PagesEvaluation and Morale Problems described in the Case Study The problems discussed in the case study include the escalating indications about the diminishing morale of staff nurse in every single unit upon evaluation. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Environmental Impact - 1855 Words
Environmental Impact Analysis Anthony Anderson 3/1/2012 Sanchez and Hudson opened small pediatric office in Riverside, California is an example of having a dream come true without planning for the future. The building has become too large for the staffing that the Two Doctors /entruenpuers have been in for five years, Records are being lost, and waiting rooms packed medical records systems are overloaded with the possibility of patient’s records getting lost. Long lines cause patients to get in patients and staff to get stressed from their inability to serve their customers. The Two business men are spending†¦show more content†¦Leaders must communicate the need for change widely and how that change will help everyone. Leaders need to be proactive and talk to and listen to what the employees have to say, this will help them feel involved and important doing the process. Researching how the Economic, Political, Techno logical, legal and Social/Culture, Demographic trends impacts their continued growth in the community. The economic trends if expanding the company is feasible at this time, financial concerns of the clients have a direct effect on the progress of the company. Such as what kind of disposable income are available, interest rates, inflation and the unemployment rates? All this reflect on the manner of how the company will received payment for services rendered. If unemployment is too high some previous clients will not be able to afford services, , but if inflation and interest rates drop there would be more money for surgery and other projects that could be done around the building. The political trends could involve official’s policies and the wants and needs of their constituents throughout the community. For instance if Hudson and Sanchez where to offered abortions and it wasn’t an excepted norm in that neighborhood it could cause a political hot spot with people for and against their expansion. At the same time if they offered a service the community badly needed like, free health screenings, ofShow MoreRelatedThe Environmental Impact Assessment On The Environment4152 Words  | 17 PagesNON – TECHNICAL SUMMARY The Environmental Impact Assessment is an ongoing process in terms of environmental and social considerations that places in a high priority the conservation and the enhancement of the natural environment. EIA is defined as the study of the effect prediction of a proposed projct on the environment. 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The new cable-stayed Queensferry Crossing bridge doesn’t aim to replace The Forth Road bridge but co-exist parallel to it. 1.1.2 Introduction to Project In 2009, transport for Scotland submitted the ‘Forth crossing bill’, the scheme is being taken forward in accordance withRead MoreEnvironmental Assessments And Environmental Impact Assessments911 Words  | 4 PagesStrategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), within the Canadian oil and gas industry, on both the Federal and Ontario Provincial levels. It factors in the necessary transportation, processes and infrastructure that will be be required for the implementation of the proposed investment. Strategic Environmental Assessment I. Transportation a. Federal Provincial Rail Regulation b. Transatlantic ii. Refinery a. 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This paper include analyse of main environmental issues, such as: impact on agriculture, forestry and soils; airRead MoreEnvironmental Impact Assessment (Eia)2101 Words  | 9 PagesEnvironmental Impact Assessment (EIA): * A formal process to predict the environmental consequence of human development activities and to plan an appropriate measure to eliminate or reduce the adverse impacts and to augment positive impacts. * EIA is an attempt to identify measure and evaluate the environmental impacts of a course of actions. Here, actions mean any development, strategy which will change an existing system. * According to LGED, assessment of beneficial and adverse changeRead MoreEnvironmental Impact Assessment(Eia)2278 Words  | 10 PagesTITLE - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), it s introduction, purpose, methods of EIA, EIA conducted in India, Environmental Impact Statement(EIS). INTRODUCTION : DEFINITION : An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the possible positive or negative impact that a proposed project may have on the environment, together consisting of the environmental, social and economic aspects. PURPOSE : The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers considerRead MoreEnvironmental Impacts Of Environmental Disasters1635 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Environmental damage that is caused by just one individual is exclusively minor which causes it to be unnoticed, whereas a major group of people, such as a large corporation harming the environment at once causes major harm to society. More than a century of industrial development has caused negative environmental impacts such as global warming, ozone depletion, and air and water pollution. These are recognized as global environmental problems that need immediate solutions. Climate change
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Master of Business Administration Degree Will Help to Start a New Career Free Essays
The reason that earning a Master of Business Administration degree will help me to begin a new career is that it will reinforce formal education with my existing work experience thereby increasing my marketability and success potential. The degree will demonstrate my dedication to increasing my business knowledge and skills. The MBA degree is an important step to enhancing my credentials so that I can become a better job candidate. We will write a custom essay sample on A Master of Business Administration Degree Will Help to Start a New Career or any similar topic only for you Order Now It will also help me develop and sharpen managerial skills to allow me to become an effective manager. I plan to use my MBA to move into a career in human resources management. With today’s job market my MBA will also provide job security because human resources management is a fast-growing career field with many opportunities stemming from its various aspects (MBA Career Opportunities: Career after MBA-Career Path, 2009). The benefits of earning an MBA outweigh the costs. The average cost of an MBA degree is $40,000. 00 to $60,000. 00 (MBA Programs); whereas the median offer for a MBA graduate in 2010 is $110,000. 00. This strongly shows how the hard work to obtain an MBA will reap rewards. I am personally very motivated because I want to exit the front line customer service level. I personally know of other individuals who are pursuing or already have their MBA, which leads me to believe that this degree is one of the most sought after and valued degrees. The Jungian Personality Assessment says that I am sociable, fun-loving, spontaneous, and very generous. It states that possible careers are an events coordinator, musician, ER nurse, fund raiser, or comedian. This assessment describes me very well in correlation to pursuing my MBA and focusing on human resources because I enjoy dealing with a variety of individuals daily. I have a very good memory, am also detail-oriented and very organized. Multi-tasking and working responsively breaks up the monotony of the day and this is very much appreciated in an office environment where assignments can become tedious. Taking charge of assignments and completing them gives me a sense of achievement. Remaining level headed in complicated situations takes skill and patience that I embody. I believe that I can make others feel relaxed in my presence because of my demeanor. I am practical and active, are realistic and self-confident. Action and initiative are two hallmarks of my work ethic. The observations in the Jungian Personality Assessment therefore relate closely to skills I possess that are necessary to be successful in the human resources management field such as organization, multi-tasking, discretion, business ethics, team orientation and dual focus (Schleifer, 2006). An MBA Program offers a range of benefits for the successful applicant, including: Business knowledge regarding business strategies and concepts and the use of that information in practical life and day-to-day business operations. The program will help me to develop better written and verbal communication skills. It will help me develop and enhance my leadership abilities because the MBA degree involves rigorous training, assignments, reports, presentations, and group projects, all of which provide the necessary abilities to handle real-life business situations. Networking with my classmates will create an association during the program that will allow me to have access to resources and be able to draw upon them in the future if necessary (United Network of Help with Masters of Business Administration). In closing I strongly believe that receiving my MBA will be a crucial component in creating a new career. How to cite A Master of Business Administration Degree Will Help to Start a New Career, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Capital Punishment13 Essay Example For Students
Capital Punishment13 Essay Good Afternoon, I am honored to be here, and I thank you for having me. Today I would like to speak to you about a very controversial issue-capital punishment. What do those two words mean to you? To mostpeople they mean a murder victims family receiving justice for theirdeceased. Let me see a show of hands. How many people in the audiencebelieve in the death penalty? I conducted a weeklong survey of twohundred people of all ages. The purpose was to see how many peoplebelieved in the death penalty and how many opposed it. My results areAs you can clearly see, 98% believe in the death penalty. 57% believethat the death penalty is a deterrent for murder. A high of 97% of thepeople favor capital punishment, where 1% think that our justice systemshould not be more lenient on death row inmates. Only 89% think thatonce convicted of murder, an inmate should be sentenced to deathI would like to take this time to tell you a story. On August 15,1997, the Reverend John Miller preached a sermon at the Martha VineyardsTabernacle in New Hampshire. He told his congrega tion, which includedthe vacationing President Clinton and his wife, that capital punishmentis wrong. I invite you to look at a picture of Timothy McVeigh and toforgive him, said Miller. If we profess to be Christians, then we arecalled to love and forgive. Once the sermon ended, Rev. Miller,Clinton, and their wives got together for brunch at the Sweet Life Cafi. What the Rev. did not know was that 24-year-old Jeremy T Charron; anEpsom New Hampshire police officer was gunned down in cold blood justhours before Millers sermon on forgiving murderers. That Sunday markedCharrons 44th day as a full time police officer, the job he dreamed ofJeremy Charron leaves behind his parents, two sets of grandparents, twosisters, two brothers, a wide circle of friends, and a girlfriend whoseengagement ring he had begun to shop for. Maybe the Reverend Millerwould advise those grieving for Charron to look at pictures of GordonPerry, the robber accused of pumping the bullets into Charrons heart,and 18 year old Kevin Paul, the accomplice, and forgive. The state of New Hampshire has opted not to forgive, but to prosecute. Perry has been charged with capital murder. If he is convicted, thestate will seek the death penalty for the first time since 1939. Jeanne Shepard, the democratic governor, says a capital murderprosecution will put criminals On notice that if they kill a policeofficer in New Hampshire, they will face the death penalty. What ifthey kill someone other than a cop? Should criminals not be put onnotice that they will face the death penalty if they kill a cashier incold blood? A farmer, or a schoolteacher? They should- but the lawsays otherwise. In New Hampshire as in all states with the deathpenalty, murder can be punished with execution only in specificcircumstances. The murder of an officer in the line of duty is one ofthem. Among others are murder combined with rape, murder for higher,and murder in the course of kidnapping. First degree murder is notpunishable by death. One who willfully murders a cashier is no lessevil then the murderer of a police officer. Both have committed theworst crime. Both should be subjected to the worst possibleStanding in the way of that justice, however, are the likes of Rev. Miller, who brim with such pity for criminals that they have none leftover for the victims. Forgive Timothy McVeigh, he says, as if we havethat right. Absolve the man who slaughtered 168 innocent men, women,and children in Oklahoma City. Pardon the killer of Officer Charron. Nothing could be more sinful and indecent. How sad that Miller,enjoying his brunch with the president at the Sweet Life Cafi, shouldlack compassion for the sweet life of others. Executions at U.S. prisons reached a 40- year high last year. There aregoing to be more executions in the future as these cases are speeded up,as a result of federal and state laws shortening the appeal process. Iwould now like to direct your attention to the overhead. The following chart shows statistics of the number of executions perstate for the 1997 year. Currently there are only 12 states without thedeath penalty. Those states are Hawaii, Alaska, West Virginia,Washington D.C., Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Michigan,Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and North Dakota. Cultural Diversity In Local Politics EssayWhat he found out was it was just a lie to cover up the fact that hisreal mother did not even care about him. Once he discovered the truth,he vowed to find the woman that cast him aside. When asked by a friendwhat he would do when he found her, he said, Im not going to rob her. Im not going to touch her or rape her. All I want to do is kill her. Gilligans hypothesis is that the common underlying cause of violenceis shame. Violent behavior only results when three other conditionsoccur: 1) The individual does not see himself as having any nonviolentmeans to gain respect or find justice. 2) The shame and humiliation areso overwhelming they threaten to destroy the persons sense of self. 3)The violent impulses stimulated in all of us by feelings of humiliationare not inhibited by guilt, remorse, empathy, or love. The characterHannible Lechter, as shown in this clip from the movie Silence of theRather than punishment, Gilligan said, one proven approach to reducingviolence is education, especially a college degree. Several years ago,Gilligan conducted a study in the Massachusetts Prison system in whichmore than two hundred inmates, including those that were convictedmurderers, earned degrees and were released from prison. So far, notGilligan said We know that the single most effective factor whichreduces the rate of recidivism in t he prison population is education,and yet education in the prisons is the first item to be cut when anadministration gets tough on crime. If our goal is to reduce crimeand violence, we would benefit all law abiding members of society if wemade college education available in the prisons. Gilligan said he isamazed by how inarticulate and incoherent many violent prisoners are. They have never learned to express themselves. They have never hadanyone to listen to them and take their thoughts seriously. If we canget them to talk about their life experiences, we immediately give theman alternative. If we can provide these men with an alternative toviolent behavior, they will use it. The best way to get people to actlike human beings is to treat them like human beings. Gilligan acknowledges that some violent criminals are so severelydamaged and dangerous they simply can never live out in society again. But the emphasis, he said, must be on restraining and quarantining,rather than punishment. Over time, even the most deeply damaged peoplecan recover a great deal of the humanity that they have lost; even thedeadest could be restored to some semblance of humanity if given ahumane enough environment, said Gilligan. I now leave the decision up to you. I have given you both the pros andcons on the issue of capital punishment. If you choose to remember onlyone point of my speech tonight let it be this quote of human beings byHenry Ford. None are good but all are scared. Even the mosthorrendous criminal is a human being with a soul, and that soul isBibliography:
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