Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Describe the challenge faced by John Proctor Essay
Depict a test looked by a character in the content. Clarify how the character managed the challenge. In ‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Millar, huge numbers of the characters confronted difficulties. One character who was confronted with challenge was the hero John Proctor. He confronted the test of attempting to keep his notoriety unblemished notwithstanding a judgemental Puritanical people group controlled by strange notion and strict narrow mindedness. The way that he had an unlawful illicit relationship with a young lady named Abigail was a significant deterrent to clearing his ‘good name’ alongside the way that his better half Elizabeth lied after swearing to tell the truth in court to attempt to ensure him. John Proctor was confronted with the choice among life and demise to manage the test of attempting to clear this ‘good name’ John Proctor, the hero, had the significant test of attempting to manage his double-crossing undertaking with Abigail, the key anatagonist in the play. Abigail begrudged John’s current spouse Elizabeth and she needed to have her spot. Whenever Abigail got the opportunity to blame individuals for being witches, Elizabeth was her first casualty. Delegate anyway needed to destroy his great name so as to blame Abigail for faking her cases. To do this however was a test he looked as he was a man with high ethics and didn’t need to demolish his name. A further test that John Proctor confronted was the point at which his better half Elizabeth was blamed for black magic and needed to vouch for demonstrate his innocence. At the point when his better half Elizabeth was captured after she was blamed by Abigail for being a witch, Proctor realized he could have prevented this preliminary from proceeding. He had the alternative of telling the court that the preliminary is a trick since he had an unsanctioned romance with Abigail and that she was out for vengeance after Elizabeth showed her out of the Proctor family and furthermore on the grounds that Proctor solidly dismissed her maxim â€Å"I will remove my hand before I go after you again†. The issue was if Proctor conceded his undertaking with Abigail, his notoriety will be demolished. In the long run he at last conceded his issue saying â€Å"God help me, I lusted†inferring that he laments taking part in an extramarital entanglements, however it was short of what was e xpected as the preliminaries were no longer in his grasp and was constrained by the court. The motivation behind why it was hard for John Proctor to demonstrate his innocence Religious bigotry was overflowing in the Puritannical town of Salem and the court framework depended on Biblical law. furthermore, you were either with or against God and like Danforth said â€Å"you are either with or against the courts†, you can just help one side. It is difficult for Proctor to keep his notoriety clean as a result of this explanation. At the point when he affirmed against Abigail, he put his notoriety in question. In the end he is sold out by Mary Warren and his last words â€Å" it is a prostitutes vengeance†states that the court depends on legends not realities and Abigail is just doing this for retribution in Proctor’s last endeavor to turn the courts. At long last, the last test that Proctor confronted was whether to live amazing demonstrate his innocence. At the point when he was pronounced a witch by the strict court, he had the alternative of either marking an admission admitting to this or heading off to the scaffold. At first, he marked the admission yet then tore it up when he understood it would demolish his notoriety and he felt coerce over the other people who had been dishonestly charged. after his request â€Å"give me my name, I have given you my soul†is dismissed. Now Hale the witch-tracker feels regretful about his activities and argues to Elizabeth to cause him to admit; everything she did was say â€Å" he’ll have his integrity now, god deny I take it from him†expressing that it was his decision and she can’t take it from him. Therefore, through the conditions that Proctor had, he managed the circumstances with fearlessness and pride. He figured out how to make up for himself from his prior sins and keeping his notoriety clean by deciding to hang as opposed to living in disgrace and having nothing to live for. Along these lines Proctor has taken his life loaded proudly and having his notoriety clean.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysis Assignment- Stairway to Heaven free essay sample
Flight of stairs to Heaven creates profundity and feeling all through the whole melody, beginning essentially and step by step conveying mineral intricacy and Intensity from 2:14 onwards. There Is a reasonable develop as the piece advances with the expansion of new Instruments (2:14), an Increase In beat (6:44), and change in mood consistently from trembles in 4/4 time to semi-shakes (2:02). Despite the fact that Led Zeppelin follow no specific sort of music, this fantastic piece starts as a noteworthy differentiation to their standard hard rock, blues rock, substantial metal style with a nearly society, acoustic introduction.The presentation holds one principle people riff that shapes the topic of numerous varieties to support the musically Ingenious contestants as the guitar solo starts at 5:55, bringing back Led Zeppelins regular overwhelming stone notoriety. Inside Victor Loppers variety of Stairway to Heaven, there is no proof of advancement or rising vitality and feeling. The course of action does anyway change beat commonly from = 120 to - 72, yet the progressions neglect to coordinate the first melody in the scarcest and seem unnatural, nearly disconnected, as they appear to be isolated on occasion by various uncomfortable silences (egg 2:30). The presentation holds one primary society riff that shapes the topic of numerous varieties to support the musically brilliant difference as the guitar LOL starts at 5:55, bringing back Led Zeppelins regular overwhelming stone notoriety. Inside Victor Loppers variety of Stairway to Heaven, there is no proof of advancement or rising vitality and feeling. The course of action does anyway change rhythm commonly from = 120 to =72, yet the progressions neglect to coordinate the first tune in the scarcest and seem unnatural, nearly incoherent, as they appear to be isolated now and again by various uncomfortable silences (egg 2:30).Contrasting the whole structure of the first piece, this Lopez plan begins heavier, with each instrument playing, and proceeds on eighty just from 0:17. A progressively playful heavier variety is presented again at 1 :24 and afterward the course of action parts of the bargains the start from 2:30. These progressions vary without a doubt, somewhat and are fruitles s in including as much assortment in the various parts as the first as it takes part in the abuse of reiteration. Despite the fact that this is comprehended to be a plan, it neglects to permit the various segments of the first piece to be appropriately decided. At a certain point it even incorporates an element trumpet part at 1:33 (see Figure 1) that doesn't take after any area of the first. Figure 1: Bars 33 36 of Stairway to Heaven organized by Victor Lopez In the composition and masterminding of this piece, Victor Lopez totally dismisses the class under which the first was composed by transforming this rendition into a major metal band tune with no proof of advancement or affectability to the first structure of Stairway to Heaven. Driven Zeppelins unique tune is well known worldwide for its principle early on tune, or riff, on lead guitar.This riff rehashes for the initial two minutes at that point proceeds at 2:16 into a variety, trading among this and played harmonies (based around G/B, AMA and D). The guitar solo at 5:55 starts with an A minor pentatonic scale at that point proceeds in A minor diatonic. The impact of having WV tunes (Jimmy Page on guitar and Robert Plant with voice) makes a powerful stable with certain conflicts addi ng to the extraordinary style of the tune. Inside the re-creation notwithstanding, Victor Lopez tries to reproduce the great opening guitar tune which is the principle and most notorious piece of the melody. This oversight alone, detracts from the first as this riff has become the exchange mark and most notable piece of the first Stairway to Heaven. The presentation begins with each instrument playing and an endeavored remove From the chorale, differentiating the possibility of one tune developing in Led Zeppelins rendition. The organized variety starts in E level major and adjusts to D major. There is no reasonable song apparent at all through the piece, as the quantity of instruments playing at comparable volumes, makes it hard to determine.Ornamentation is additionally a key melodic prosper in the first, that needs Victor Loppers adaptation, as there is no guitar and in this manner none of the splendid guitar strategies referenced above, to make the music wake up and turn out to be something other than notes on a page. The timbre or trademark nature of sound shows an extraordinary contrast when contrasting the jazz game plan of Stairway with Heaven to the first. Jimmy Page controls hi s guitar as the fundamental sound source with such brightness, utilizing an assortment of techniques, for example, pull offs, vibrato, hammer-particles, twists and slides (see Figure 2). The guitar is the focal instrument and is considered answerable for the distinction and striking quality of the piece as it holds most of the tune, and specifically draws out the complexity during the extension and solo (5:35). The whole piece relies upon the guitar as it proceeds with o play all through the entire tune and is responsible for the most intricate part, depicting the imagination and keenness of Stairway to Heaven. The utilization of the Maelstrom (an electronic console controlling pre-recorded melodic sounds) to copy the flute, makes the darker increasingly frightful state of mind and adds timbre differentiation to the guitar melody.Throughout the tune, to help the turn of events, instruments are added to the guitar at each segment change, for example, the Maelstrom woodwind (0:1 3), voice (0:53), low pitch guitar (2:14) and drums (4:18). These timbre changes during this piece, add to the melodic multifaceted nature ND greatness with the manner in which it starts delica tely and gets steadily darker all through, until it closes daintily at 7:45. Figure 2: Example pull off, vibrato, twist, hammer on and slide-Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven Victor Lopez game plan remembers an excessive number of instruments to depict the state of mind for which the first depicts.As it is composed for darker sounding instruments, for example, tenor and alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone and bass, it detracts from the lighter sounding parts in the first, thus needs differentiate. This form barely changes and stays of a similar timbre for a noble cause of the time aside from at 8 where the trumpets quit playing and different instruments hold long notes instead of all things considered playing the song bringing about a lighter timbre. This segment is the nearest Lopez comes to passing on to the audience, the first mind-set and differences of Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven.There is no adjustment of instrumental playing clear as the control of this piece needs assortment in notes or musicality which rules out individual varieties of the notes or instrument playing. The first was composed mostly for guitar and voice, bringing about the alternative for eight or dull timbre. This variety anyway comprises of lower metal instruments definitely prompting a predictable dull timbre, uncovering this pieces powerlessness to satisfy the first.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Summer 2010 Internship Post 1 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Summer 2010 Internship Post 1 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog All MIA and MPA students at SIPA complete thirty weeks of professional development during their two year program. Fifteen weeks is comprised of an internship and fifteen weeks is comprised of a group project referred to as a workshop or capstone project. SIPA offers no summer classes and this allows our students the opportunity to complete their full time internship anywhere in the world. There are several SIPA students working in the Admissions Office this year and I have asked each one of them to write about their summer internship experience. This first entry was written by Sawako Sonoyama, an MIA student concentrating in Economic and Political Development. Look for more entries on this topic in the near future. __________________________ My summer internship was with the Mae Fah Luang Foundation (MFLF) in Northern Thailand. The MFLF was established under the patronage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Mother who wished to promote development programs that focused on economic and social growth. There are numerous development projects in Thailand, the Union of Myanmar, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Republic of Indonesia, and I was stationed in the Doi Tung project area, near Chiang Rai. The Doi Tung Development Project is on its 23rd year of a 30-year development plan. The Foundation’s final goal is to transfer the ownership of the project to the local people. My internship’s objective was to analyze the transfer of ownership of the business units and its management and leadership from the organization to the local people. With a team of four graduate students and two Thai undergraduate students, we examined the current structure of the business, organizational structure, and local government in all their dimensions through first hand interviews with relevant stakeholders. The team also conducted research on existing models and examples of organizational transfer from throughout the world. Drawing from these models, we assessed and proposed appropriate institutional, financial, managerial framework and organizational structures to transfer any or all the social enterprises. We also examined what kind of capacity building is needed to develop local leadership which will enable them to take over the activities based on the proposed plan. Finally, we raised some key overarching issues for the transfer plan and emphasized the importance of institutionalizing the MFLF philosophy to the Doi Tung area. Of all of the various knowledge I gained from MFLF, the most interesting was learning about this MFLF philosophy. The MFLF philosophy and development approach are based on the values of His Royal Highness King Bhumibol Adulyadej and his mother, the Princess Mother. The King believed that the people and nature must co-exist in harmony and each step in development should be holistic, integrated, and people-centric. Understanding that the root problem of the region was poverty and lack of opportunity, they worked on providing the basic needs of health, livelihood, and education. The King inherently understood that development takes a long time, and proposed a thirty-year plan. A development project that lasts thirty years is unheard of in U.S. agencies. Because the project has a thirty year time line, the Foundation is very patient and slowly builds relationship with the aid recipient. Following its people-centric philosophy, the Foundation’s every step starts from learning from the people to understand their lifestyle. They hold large meetings, small focus groups, and individual chats to gradually win the trust and support from the local people. Even the Executive Director will personally go knocking on people’s doors to get to know them. Their approach is extremely humble. The MFLF hopes to spread these philosophies to development practices in the West. As an American intern in this Foundation, I believe that one of my duties is to help with that dissemination. I hope to carry on many of the foundation’s values: to become a humble development practitioner that can learn from and truly understand the lives and needs of the local people.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Performance Appraisal For Nursing Essay - 1533 Words
the viewer an indication of what the things is like (McKenna, 1970, p12)The nursing models are applied in nursing day to day because is the foundation of the actions nurses do. 12.6 Performance appraisal for nursing A central reason for the utilization of performance appraisal Pas is performance improvement (initially at the level of an individual employee, and ultimately at the level of an organization. Other fundamental reasons include as a basis for employment decisions eg promotion, terminations, transfers, as certain criteria is reached to aid expectations and to establish personal objectives for training programs, transmission of objectives feedback for personal development. As a mean of documentation to aid in keeping track of decisions and legal requirements named in wage and other fringe benefits administration. And is used for formulation of job criteria and selection of individual who is best in performing organization tasks. 12.7 Leadership style in nursing Leadership styles help an infrastructure that influences organizational factors, processes and expectation, for the sake of facilitation of evidence based practices there is increasing interest in human services field by leaders and managing people Theories of leadership helps to manage human resource capital as an assert for any NGO why to tell this because human make things happen while the money make thing possible. 12.8 Continuing education for nurses Continuing education eliminates continued ignorance,Show MoreRelatedAssignment 3: Evaluation and Morale1070 Words  | 4 PagesEvaluation and Morale Problems described in the Case Study The problems discussed in the case study include the escalating indications about the diminishing morale of staff nurse in every single unit upon evaluation. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Environmental Impact - 1855 Words
Environmental Impact Analysis Anthony Anderson 3/1/2012 Sanchez and Hudson opened small pediatric office in Riverside, California is an example of having a dream come true without planning for the future. The building has become too large for the staffing that the Two Doctors /entruenpuers have been in for five years, Records are being lost, and waiting rooms packed medical records systems are overloaded with the possibility of patient’s records getting lost. Long lines cause patients to get in patients and staff to get stressed from their inability to serve their customers. The Two business men are spending†¦show more content†¦Leaders must communicate the need for change widely and how that change will help everyone. Leaders need to be proactive and talk to and listen to what the employees have to say, this will help them feel involved and important doing the process. Researching how the Economic, Political, Techno logical, legal and Social/Culture, Demographic trends impacts their continued growth in the community. The economic trends if expanding the company is feasible at this time, financial concerns of the clients have a direct effect on the progress of the company. Such as what kind of disposable income are available, interest rates, inflation and the unemployment rates? All this reflect on the manner of how the company will received payment for services rendered. If unemployment is too high some previous clients will not be able to afford services, , but if inflation and interest rates drop there would be more money for surgery and other projects that could be done around the building. The political trends could involve official’s policies and the wants and needs of their constituents throughout the community. For instance if Hudson and Sanchez where to offered abortions and it wasn’t an excepted norm in that neighborhood it could cause a political hot spot with people for and against their expansion. At the same time if they offered a service the community badly needed like, free health screenings, ofShow MoreRelatedThe Environmental Impact Assessment On The Environment4152 Words  | 17 PagesNON – TECHNICAL SUMMARY The Environmental Impact Assessment is an ongoing process in terms of environmental and social considerations that places in a high priority the conservation and the enhancement of the natural environment. EIA is defined as the study of the effect prediction of a proposed projct on the environment. 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INTRODUCTION : DEFINITION : An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the possible positive or negative impact that a proposed project may have on the environment, together consisting of the environmental, social and economic aspects. PURPOSE : The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers considerRead MoreEnvironmental Impacts Of Environmental Disasters1635 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Environmental damage that is caused by just one individual is exclusively minor which causes it to be unnoticed, whereas a major group of people, such as a large corporation harming the environment at once causes major harm to society. More than a century of industrial development has caused negative environmental impacts such as global warming, ozone depletion, and air and water pollution. These are recognized as global environmental problems that need immediate solutions. Climate change
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Master of Business Administration Degree Will Help to Start a New Career Free Essays
The reason that earning a Master of Business Administration degree will help me to begin a new career is that it will reinforce formal education with my existing work experience thereby increasing my marketability and success potential. The degree will demonstrate my dedication to increasing my business knowledge and skills. The MBA degree is an important step to enhancing my credentials so that I can become a better job candidate. We will write a custom essay sample on A Master of Business Administration Degree Will Help to Start a New Career or any similar topic only for you Order Now It will also help me develop and sharpen managerial skills to allow me to become an effective manager. I plan to use my MBA to move into a career in human resources management. With today’s job market my MBA will also provide job security because human resources management is a fast-growing career field with many opportunities stemming from its various aspects (MBA Career Opportunities: Career after MBA-Career Path, 2009). The benefits of earning an MBA outweigh the costs. The average cost of an MBA degree is $40,000. 00 to $60,000. 00 (MBA Programs); whereas the median offer for a MBA graduate in 2010 is $110,000. 00. This strongly shows how the hard work to obtain an MBA will reap rewards. I am personally very motivated because I want to exit the front line customer service level. I personally know of other individuals who are pursuing or already have their MBA, which leads me to believe that this degree is one of the most sought after and valued degrees. The Jungian Personality Assessment says that I am sociable, fun-loving, spontaneous, and very generous. It states that possible careers are an events coordinator, musician, ER nurse, fund raiser, or comedian. This assessment describes me very well in correlation to pursuing my MBA and focusing on human resources because I enjoy dealing with a variety of individuals daily. I have a very good memory, am also detail-oriented and very organized. Multi-tasking and working responsively breaks up the monotony of the day and this is very much appreciated in an office environment where assignments can become tedious. Taking charge of assignments and completing them gives me a sense of achievement. Remaining level headed in complicated situations takes skill and patience that I embody. I believe that I can make others feel relaxed in my presence because of my demeanor. I am practical and active, are realistic and self-confident. Action and initiative are two hallmarks of my work ethic. The observations in the Jungian Personality Assessment therefore relate closely to skills I possess that are necessary to be successful in the human resources management field such as organization, multi-tasking, discretion, business ethics, team orientation and dual focus (Schleifer, 2006). An MBA Program offers a range of benefits for the successful applicant, including: Business knowledge regarding business strategies and concepts and the use of that information in practical life and day-to-day business operations. The program will help me to develop better written and verbal communication skills. It will help me develop and enhance my leadership abilities because the MBA degree involves rigorous training, assignments, reports, presentations, and group projects, all of which provide the necessary abilities to handle real-life business situations. Networking with my classmates will create an association during the program that will allow me to have access to resources and be able to draw upon them in the future if necessary (United Network of Help with Masters of Business Administration). In closing I strongly believe that receiving my MBA will be a crucial component in creating a new career. How to cite A Master of Business Administration Degree Will Help to Start a New Career, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Capital Punishment13 Essay Example For Students
Capital Punishment13 Essay Good Afternoon, I am honored to be here, and I thank you for having me. Today I would like to speak to you about a very controversial issue-capital punishment. What do those two words mean to you? To mostpeople they mean a murder victims family receiving justice for theirdeceased. Let me see a show of hands. How many people in the audiencebelieve in the death penalty? I conducted a weeklong survey of twohundred people of all ages. The purpose was to see how many peoplebelieved in the death penalty and how many opposed it. My results areAs you can clearly see, 98% believe in the death penalty. 57% believethat the death penalty is a deterrent for murder. A high of 97% of thepeople favor capital punishment, where 1% think that our justice systemshould not be more lenient on death row inmates. Only 89% think thatonce convicted of murder, an inmate should be sentenced to deathI would like to take this time to tell you a story. On August 15,1997, the Reverend John Miller preached a sermon at the Martha VineyardsTabernacle in New Hampshire. He told his congrega tion, which includedthe vacationing President Clinton and his wife, that capital punishmentis wrong. I invite you to look at a picture of Timothy McVeigh and toforgive him, said Miller. If we profess to be Christians, then we arecalled to love and forgive. Once the sermon ended, Rev. Miller,Clinton, and their wives got together for brunch at the Sweet Life Cafi. What the Rev. did not know was that 24-year-old Jeremy T Charron; anEpsom New Hampshire police officer was gunned down in cold blood justhours before Millers sermon on forgiving murderers. That Sunday markedCharrons 44th day as a full time police officer, the job he dreamed ofJeremy Charron leaves behind his parents, two sets of grandparents, twosisters, two brothers, a wide circle of friends, and a girlfriend whoseengagement ring he had begun to shop for. Maybe the Reverend Millerwould advise those grieving for Charron to look at pictures of GordonPerry, the robber accused of pumping the bullets into Charrons heart,and 18 year old Kevin Paul, the accomplice, and forgive. The state of New Hampshire has opted not to forgive, but to prosecute. Perry has been charged with capital murder. If he is convicted, thestate will seek the death penalty for the first time since 1939. Jeanne Shepard, the democratic governor, says a capital murderprosecution will put criminals On notice that if they kill a policeofficer in New Hampshire, they will face the death penalty. What ifthey kill someone other than a cop? Should criminals not be put onnotice that they will face the death penalty if they kill a cashier incold blood? A farmer, or a schoolteacher? They should- but the lawsays otherwise. In New Hampshire as in all states with the deathpenalty, murder can be punished with execution only in specificcircumstances. The murder of an officer in the line of duty is one ofthem. Among others are murder combined with rape, murder for higher,and murder in the course of kidnapping. First degree murder is notpunishable by death. One who willfully murders a cashier is no lessevil then the murderer of a police officer. Both have committed theworst crime. Both should be subjected to the worst possibleStanding in the way of that justice, however, are the likes of Rev. Miller, who brim with such pity for criminals that they have none leftover for the victims. Forgive Timothy McVeigh, he says, as if we havethat right. Absolve the man who slaughtered 168 innocent men, women,and children in Oklahoma City. Pardon the killer of Officer Charron. Nothing could be more sinful and indecent. How sad that Miller,enjoying his brunch with the president at the Sweet Life Cafi, shouldlack compassion for the sweet life of others. Executions at U.S. prisons reached a 40- year high last year. There aregoing to be more executions in the future as these cases are speeded up,as a result of federal and state laws shortening the appeal process. Iwould now like to direct your attention to the overhead. The following chart shows statistics of the number of executions perstate for the 1997 year. Currently there are only 12 states without thedeath penalty. Those states are Hawaii, Alaska, West Virginia,Washington D.C., Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Michigan,Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and North Dakota. Cultural Diversity In Local Politics EssayWhat he found out was it was just a lie to cover up the fact that hisreal mother did not even care about him. Once he discovered the truth,he vowed to find the woman that cast him aside. When asked by a friendwhat he would do when he found her, he said, Im not going to rob her. Im not going to touch her or rape her. All I want to do is kill her. Gilligans hypothesis is that the common underlying cause of violenceis shame. Violent behavior only results when three other conditionsoccur: 1) The individual does not see himself as having any nonviolentmeans to gain respect or find justice. 2) The shame and humiliation areso overwhelming they threaten to destroy the persons sense of self. 3)The violent impulses stimulated in all of us by feelings of humiliationare not inhibited by guilt, remorse, empathy, or love. The characterHannible Lechter, as shown in this clip from the movie Silence of theRather than punishment, Gilligan said, one proven approach to reducingviolence is education, especially a college degree. Several years ago,Gilligan conducted a study in the Massachusetts Prison system in whichmore than two hundred inmates, including those that were convictedmurderers, earned degrees and were released from prison. So far, notGilligan said We know that the single most effective factor whichreduces the rate of recidivism in t he prison population is education,and yet education in the prisons is the first item to be cut when anadministration gets tough on crime. If our goal is to reduce crimeand violence, we would benefit all law abiding members of society if wemade college education available in the prisons. Gilligan said he isamazed by how inarticulate and incoherent many violent prisoners are. They have never learned to express themselves. They have never hadanyone to listen to them and take their thoughts seriously. If we canget them to talk about their life experiences, we immediately give theman alternative. If we can provide these men with an alternative toviolent behavior, they will use it. The best way to get people to actlike human beings is to treat them like human beings. Gilligan acknowledges that some violent criminals are so severelydamaged and dangerous they simply can never live out in society again. But the emphasis, he said, must be on restraining and quarantining,rather than punishment. Over time, even the most deeply damaged peoplecan recover a great deal of the humanity that they have lost; even thedeadest could be restored to some semblance of humanity if given ahumane enough environment, said Gilligan. I now leave the decision up to you. I have given you both the pros andcons on the issue of capital punishment. If you choose to remember onlyone point of my speech tonight let it be this quote of human beings byHenry Ford. None are good but all are scared. Even the mosthorrendous criminal is a human being with a soul, and that soul isBibliography:
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
Report Here are the latest projections for nursing demand by state
Report Here are the latest projections for nursing demand by state The good news about a career in nursing right now is that demand is growing for registered nurses- and it’s not expected to slow down anytime soon. In fact, rumors about looming nursing shortages are a huge concern for the healthcare industry, given that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the demand for registered nurses will grow by an eye-opening 19% by 2024. All of this means that if you’re thinking about a career as a nurse, now could be the best time to take that next step. However, nursing careers aren’t growing at the same rate everywhere. Let’s look at how the demand and outlook for registered nurses are shaping up all over the country, broken down by region.The NortheastIncludes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.As a region, the Northeast has some of the most nurse-dense states in the country, likely due to the high concentration of the population and the number of major cities like New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, both New York and Pennsylvania were in the top five states for registered nurse employment. Here’s how much the demand for registered nurses in northeastern states is expected to grow by 2024:Connecticut: 29%Maine: 32%Massachusetts: 25%New Hampshire: 28%New Jersey: 28%New York: 14%Pennsylvania: 39%Rhode Island: 29%Vermont: 28%This region also features some of the highest median registered nurse salaries, likely given the consistently high demand for qualified nurses. Massachusetts is the highest-paying state for nurses in this region, with a median annual salary of $89,060 (or $42.82 per hour) for nurses. In the Boston area, the pay is even higher, with a median salary of $98,040 (or $47.13 per hour). Throughout the region, nursing salaries are highest in the dense metropolitan areas.The SouthIncludes the Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia.In the South, the demand for nurses is concentrated most fully in cities and suburban areas, with more rural states featuring less nurse employment overall. In the region, Florida (with large population centers like Miami, Tampa, and Orlando) leads the way in nursing employment, with Georgia and North Carolina not far behind.Here’s how much the demand for registered nurses in southern states is expected to grow by 2024:Alabama: 28%Arkansas: 10%Delaware: 24%Florida: 22%Georgia: 30%Kentucky: 25%Louisiana: 23%Maryland: 27%Mississippi: 17%North Carolina: 19%Oklahoma: 29%South Carolina: 26%Tennessee: 23%Texas: 33%Virginia: 23%Washington, D.C.: 21%West Virginia: 23%In the South, nursing is poised for major growth and Georgia and Texas are likely to see the biggest increases in demand over the next few years.As for salary, the District of Columbia is the southern hotspot with the highest median salary for nurses, at $80,010 (or $38.47 per hour). At $68,680 and $33.02 per hour, Texas, too, is significantly above the national median salary for registered nurses ($68,450, or $32.91 per hour). The rest of the region is at or below the national median. However, the much-faster-than-average anticipated growth in demand for registered nurses makes this a region with significant future potential.The MidwestIncludes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.With such a broad range of states and economies, it’s not surprising that the outlook for nurses varies across the Midwest region as well. Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Ohio are currently the states with the highest registered nurse employment, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, demand is growing rapidly outside of those states, across the region.Here’s how much the demand for registered nurses in midwestern states is expected to grow by 2024:Illinois : 13%Indiana: 27%Iowa: 24%Kansas: 25%Michigan: 19%Minnesota: 22%Missouri: 18%Nebraska: 12%North Dakota: 22%Ohio: 21%South Dakota: 24%Wisconsin: 24%Even though Indiana is already leading the way in terms of existing nurse employment, it’s also expected to see some of the biggest growth in the region.In terms of registered nurse salaries, Minnesota leads the way in the Midwest, with a median salary of $74,460, or $35.80 per hour. In line with national trends, the salaries are highest in the metropolitan areas.The WestIncludes Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming.California is the unquestionable leader in registered nurse employment in this region (and in fact, the country), with a current employment of more than 274,000 registered nurses. Yet it’s not the western state with the biggest expected boom in demand for registered nurses- that honor goes to Idaho.Here’s how much the demand for registered nurses in western states is expected to grow by 2024:Alaska: 28%Arizona: 31%California: 22%Colorado: 37%Hawaii: 21%Idaho: 40%Montana: 39%Nevada: 17%New Mexico: 26%Oregon: 26%Washington: 22%Wyoming: 26%The growth in demand for registered nurses is so great in the West that of the 14 states with the highest growth rates, 7 of them are in this region (Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Washington). The region also has a significant diversity in population and geography, with a range of opportunities open to registered nurses- from the rugged plains of Montana to the tropical beaches of Hawaii.Along with the Northeast, the West also features some of the highest median salaries for nurses, with California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Alaska taking four of the top five spots nationally. In California, the median annual salary for nurses is $101,750 (or $48.30 per hour). And the highest paid nurses in California are in the San Francisco metro area, with a median annual salary of $136,610.If you’re a nurse looking to relocate, or are thinking of getting started on a nursing career, the timing has never been better. The healthcare field in general is growing and hiring at an extremely fast pace, as the country deals with an ever-expanding (and aging) population with diverse health needs. The average age of registered nurses has also gone up by two years over the past decade, meaning that there will also be opportunities available as natural turnover plays out in the industry. And compared to all other jobs, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects that the overall demand for registered nurses will grow much faster–16% for nurses, 7% for everyone else.And if you’re not sure where to get started on your nursing path, we’ve got you covered:How Long Does It Take to Become a NurseWhy Men Should Consider Becoming a Nurse14 Things You Need to Know as a New NurseCreate A Winning Registered Nurse Resume!What You Need to Become a Stellar Nurse10 of the top nursing programs in the United StatesGood luck, and happy roaming to find your new nursing job opportunity!
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Continuity in film making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Continuity in film making - Essay Example Continuity is a task for all the production team as it has to be maintained at all levels of the production team. From the script supervisor, film director to the most important touch in postproduction - the editor, continuity is important. By identifying the connections that form continuity among the production team members, it can minimize the number of errors that usually occur in the production of a film. There are too many production team members to describe each and every connection in detail. In this thesis, the focus is on the director and the editor. This will allow us to go through the preproduction process, the postproduction process, and most importantly the understanding and the ability to identify the responsibilities, of each team member at each stage of production. Although not including many of the individual pieces, to get a better understanding of the basic cinematographic process I have included a basic description of the overall process. Visuals are pictures and sequences of motion pictures is a film, which captures the motion or action, so the camera by recording these events, does its job. The person who controls the camera is the cameraman. This person is in charge of moving the camera in predetermined directions which can serve the purpose of achieving the best shot is taken. The director provides the direction, how the camera moves or what should be shown in the frame gate, based on their interpretation of the script of the story, provided by the script writer. After completing the shots and sequences, the editor gathers the footage and compiles them in a way that they match and gives the feel for the entire footage. The editor is also responsible for matching the sequences shot, which gives the illusion of continuity. Justification of the Research To create a motion picture, regardless of expertise of the crew, there is a requirement to achieve continuity. Continuity requires more attention and especially during a large film productio n as it requires script, budget, and equipment. All of these processes have to be combined together to make a film. It is a complex process and can involve a large number of people to work together in a film project. One fact is that, no matter how easy it is to see the movie or a motion picture, it is a much more complicated process especially when it gets to the structure of making it. Historically films have been made by three main countries; Great Britain, France, and the United States. It hasn’t been until the last couple of decades that other countries such as India have joined in the cinema field with successes. Not only have other countries joined in the film making business, but so have amateur filmmakers with low budgets and fresh ideas. The growth of the motion picture making around the world is expanding and most of the developers are young which means the future of filmmaking is bright. The growth of video making is exponential, especially with the advent of Yout and the fact that at any time in 2012 most people have at least one camera at their house. Many of those individuals would like to tell a story, so to tell a story visually the fact of continuity has to be present. As the visual creation needs to be in the right composition angle and camera movement, all of data collected has to gather to tell a cohesive story. Methodology and Case Study A focused theoretical
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
IMMIGRATION AND ASYLUM LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
IMMIGRATION AND ASYLUM LAW - Essay Example The ECHR decided in the case of Soering v. United Kingdom, 161 Eur. Ct. H.R. (1989) that this provision meant that individuals cannot be extradited if they are threatened with torture or inhuman or degrading treatment in the requesting country. In this case, Jens Soring fought extradition from Europe to the United States because he would face capital charges in the United States, and Article 3 of the ECHR forbids extradition for this reason. While the European Court of Human Rights decided that transferring a person who would face the death penalty would not violate the Article 3 of the ECHR, if a prisoner or a person would be transferred to a country where he or she faced torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, then this would violate Article 3 of the ECHR (Collyer, 2005). Lilich (1991) states that this judgment was significant because extraditing states must consider the ill-treatment of other states when considering whether to send an individual to that third stat e. The ill-treatment may be beyond the control of the state, and the state may give no assurances that the person would not be subjected to ill-treatment. This decision, according to Lilich (1991) also obligates signatory states to not extradite to other states that would subject the person to ill treatment, and even non-signatory states would not be able to do so. Directly after this case was decided, the ECHR decided several other cases. One such case was Cruz Varas et al. v. Sweden, 46/1990/237/307. In this case, Hector Cruz fled from Chile to Sweden to seek asylum, which was rejected. The court there stated that Mr. Cruz’ extradition did not violate Article 3, in part because the situation in Chile was improving. Another case was Vilvarajah et al. v. United Kingdom, 46/1990/237/307 , Council of Europe: European Court of Human Rights, 20 March 1991. In this case the petitioner was attempting to ensure that he did not have to return to Sri Lanka. The court in that cas e found that there was only a possibility of ill treatment, therefore there was not a breach of Article 3. In Vivayanathan & Pusparajah v. France, 75/1991/327/399-400 , Council of Europe: European Court of Human Rights, 26 June 1992, the court decided that there was not yet an expulsion order for the petitioners, who were trying to fight being expelled from France into Sri Lanka. Therefore, they could not decide upon the erits of the case. Tomasi v. France (Series A, No. 241-A, Application No. 12580/87), European Court of Human Rights (1993), found for the applicant, who was abused in custody. Allweldt (1993), states that the prohibition on expulsion of individuals to countries hinges on whether or not there is a real risk that the person would be subject to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment. Allweldt (1993) states that the risk that the person faces does not have to be a high probability, just that it exists. There also must be a substantial grounds for the belief tha t the person would be subjected to torture or inhuman treatment in the receiving country. Addo & Grief (1998), states that Article 3 is brief because it sets out normative standards, and that each country is free to adopt these normative standard
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Adobe Systems Incorporated Computer Science Essay
The Adobe Systems Incorporated Computer Science Essay This paper examines the multinational company, Adobe Systems Incorporated, its innovations, value added for its products, and competencies. The paper then examines the companys structure culture, leadership and strategy for deploying its products. Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated is an American multinational computer software corporation founded in 1982 by former Xerox employees John Warnock and Charles Geschke; the current CEO is Shantanu Narayen, who acquired the position in 2005. Adobe is headquartered in San Jose, CA and is traded under the NASDAQ symbol ADBE. Adobes operates in many major cities in the United States; its international operations include China, India, Switzerland, Romania, Canada, and Germany. As of the third quarter of 2012, Adobe has a total revenue of $1.081 billion and a market capitalization of 16.88 billion. Adobe offers software products and services to users of operating systems and technological devices and is best known for Photoshop, Acrobat, and Flash. The companys business can be broken down into three segments: digital media, digital marketing, and digital publishing (Yahoo! Finance, 2012, Reuters, 2012) One of Adobes first product was PostScript, which is a programming language developed by Warnock and Geschke in 1982; at this time, Apple, Inc. was Adobes direct competitor. Adobe created Adobe Illustrator for the Macintosh computer in 1986 which helped to popularize PostScript; a version of Illustrator was later made for Windows in 1989. The company went public in 1986. Adobe introduced Acrobat (the PDF) in 1993, which is now the most widely used viewer and reader. The company has acquired many other companies during the early to late nineties and 2000s. Some of the well-known acquisitions include: Macromedia, Photoshop, Aldus, Omniture, and Efficient Frontier. Adobe competes directly with Apple, Microsoft, and Google (Adobe, 2012 Wikipedia, 2012). Sources and Types of Innovation A company can have one or many sources of innovation which can range from the companys culture, policies, practices, and creativity. I think in Adobes case, its sources of innovation come from creative talent, consumer and business needs, and acquisitions. Adobe started off with PostScript in 1982 invented by its two founders and it became popular because of laser printer in the 1990s (Wikipedia, 2012). The PDF file format, which evolved from PostScript, was invented by Warnock in the early 1990s. Even though there were several competing firms offering the same technology, Adobe was able to make the PDF a market standard because it made the PDF file format usable on the internet where the other competitors could not. As the internet started to boom in the 1990s the PDF became more and more popular (prepressure, 2011). Postscript and the PDF were developed for the print industry. Adobe Photoshop is well known today; thought this software was not directly developed by Adobe, the company saw an opportunity to market it. Photoshop was first developed by Thomas and John Knoll in 1987. John was unhappy with the graphics on the Macintosh computer at this time and he began writing his own code to make the Mac work they way he wanted it to, while Thomas was working on imagining process for his thesis. Both of the brothers started a collaboration and named their software Display. Unfortunately, when the brothers presented their software, now called ImagePro (then later change to Photoshop) to companies in 1988, it was rejected because many these companies were working on similar software or they just did not like the software. When the brothers presented the software to Adobe, the company was impressed with the program. The product was licensed and distributed by Adobe and the Knolls received royalties for this. Adobe added new features to the software with Thomas cod ing them; Adobe mass-marketed Photoshop in 1990 and the rest is history (computerarts, 2005). With these examples, Adobe was able to capture the need of the consumer and market and tweak the technology to make it better. The PDF and Photoshop may have been slow to take off, but Adobe came out the winner because it saw an opportunity to be successful. Adobe has acquired many companies since its inception in 1982 and the products of the former companies have made Adobe profitable. The most famous acquisition was Macromedia, the company that developed Flash and Dreamweaver for the web. Flash, which was first known as FutureSplash Animator, was developed Jonathan Gay in 1995. When Gay decided he wanted to partner with a bigger company, he approached Adobe with his software. Unfortunately, Adobe was not impressed and passed on it. Macromedia bought the program in 1996; fast forward to nine years later and the program would become Adobes own (Beach, n.d.). Adobe has made massive improvements to Flash since Macromedias acquisition in 2005, thus making the company profitable with this software as it is very widely known and used. Value Added for Adobes Products Adobe has added value to all of the products it has introduced to the market. The PDF for example offers many benefits for users. The look of a document is preserved when it is viewed on screen. PDF files can be shared easily among users and is easy and convenient to use. Users can view PDF files on all their electronic gadgets including smartphones and tablets. Not only is Adobe Acrobat easy to use, but it is also free to download. This format is used by individuals, companies and the government. Business and government websites uses this file format because it is easy to use, convenient, fast, and it makes documents easy to print. All of these factors adds value to Acrobat and for these reasons is a market standard internationally. Adobe Photoshop is internationally famous. When people hear or say the term photoshopped they are obviously referring to images that has been modified using Adobes program. Photoshop is used by millions of professional people internationally including fashion designers, photographers, architectures, graphic designers, animators, publishers, film and video pros, and web designers (, 2012). This software allows people to be creative and have freedom and control with their work. For example, marketers can use Photoshop to create an amazing ad seen worldwide. By using Photoshop, people create something that is valuable to them to share with others. Photoshop may have started off small, but the enhancements and features Adobe has added over the years to this software have made it very valuable to people. Adobe Flash may not have been an original idea of the company but like with Photoshop, the company has enhanced it and made it better. Flash is used in the gaming industry, advertisements, animation, and in web applications. This software is used on desktops and mobile devices, is convenient to users, and free of charge. Many web sites, including YouTube uses the Flash as this software has a large user base and it is easy to program (Wikipedia, 2012). Flash makes the internet come alive for many people and the user experience is enhanced when this product is downloaded. The software enhances the look of a webpage making it attractive to users. Adobe flash is slowly declining at the moment and many web developers are favoring HTML5 video. This new type of technology does not rely upon a plugin the way Flash does. Apple has been very critical of Flash because of its security issues and sluggishness and Microsoft did not support Flash in Windows 8. As a result of all these factors, Adobe will no longer improve the flash player on mobile devices and is favoring the HTML5 video (website design and creation, 2012). Even though Flash is declining, it still has a strong presence in the market as many still use this software. Adobe helps retailers, publishers, and marketers with digital solutions. These businesses use Adobe services and products to enhance their users experience to make it meaningful, personalized, and interactive. Most of these businesses communicate with their target audience through the web or on mobile or tablet devices. They are able to build their brand, manage and customize content, and gather customer intelligence. For example, Vanity Fair, uses Adobes Digital Publishing Suite to create a rich and interactive experience for its monthly digital publication on the iPad. American Eagle Outfitters uses Adobes Digital Marketing Suite, which includes Abobe Analytics to see where their customer traffic is coming from, to help the retailer understand what products their customers are looking at, and how their customers are responding to their market initiatives. The company uses these analytics to its advantage to make a difference for their customers online shopping experience. David Fin cher, the director for the film The Social Network, used Adobe Creative Suite during post production of the film (Adobe, 2012). Adobes software solutions and services have helped businesses all across the globe to become more efficient, productive and profitable, hence adding value to what it provides. Core and Distinctive Competencies Adobes core competencies include its software and its services. The company is able to provide distinctive products, services and solutions to its customers worldwide for their various needs. The products that Adobe delivers makes customer experiences fun and make their creative side thrive. The software that the company provides are some of the most used and recognized software in the world and cannot be imitated to work the same way or give users the same experience they would have when using Adobe software. Adobe has great talent as well including creative developers with their own core competencies and software engineers. The company is also very flexible as it dabbles in marketing, broadcasting, publishing, retail, financial services, and media and provides solutions and software for these trades. Adobes distinctive competency is its huge and impressive acquisition list, which is certainly a value-creation strategy for the firm. These acquisitions have helped Adobes businesses in publishing, marketing, and computing. As discussed before, Adobes acquisitions of Macromedia and Photoshop have made the company very profitable from the existing software of those two providers. Other examples include Omniture and Efficient Frontier Technology; both were acquired by Adobe in September 2009 and November 2011 (Wikipedia, 2012) respectively. Omniture is a web analytics company which helps clients measure users purchasing activities on the web (Hoovers, 2012). Adobe has incorporated Omnitures analytics software into its digital market business unit creating the Adobe Marketing Cloud (Adobe, 2012) Adobes marketing clients can use the software and solutions to help them track what their customers purchase or is viewing online in order to provide better services or have a better marketing c ampaign. Adobes acquisition of Efficient Frontier has also helped its digital marketing business by providing search engine marketing using the modern portfolio theory, and display and social media campaigns (crunchbase, 2012). Adobes clients can utilize the algorithms Efficient Frontier provides to increase their ad performance along with Adobe Dynamic Ad Targeting solution (adexchanger, 2011) to become more profitable. Adobes acquisitions is a smart move for the company because talent, resources, and capabilities are all pooled together making the company more valuable. With the existing software of the companies Adobe has acquired, costs are truncated because Adobe does not have to use its own resources to create these technologies; instead, the companies utilizes what it has acquired to make a better experience for its clients. These acquisitions have made the company evolve to make its brand name more valuable. Organizational Structure, Culture, and Leadership Fig 1.1 Adobes Organizational Chart Like many huge organizations in the business world, Adobe has a bureaucratic and centralized structure; it is a top down organization where the CEO is control and in charge of the companys strategic decisions. The levels of the organization and roles of the employees are clearly defined. According to Adobes website, employees are encouraged to be creative and to think outside the box. This would most likely be the slogan of any technology company because technology changes every day and becomes more complex as time passes; a person has to be creative when they work in this industry. Employees at this company often collaborate on huge projects, including the employees from Adobes acquisitions. The teams are inspiring and the individual talents are respected and recognized. Employees are encouraged to be ambitious where they can achieve their full potential. The growth within the company for an individual is endless. The company provides wellness and fitness program and good compensation and benefit plans. Adobe is committed to ethical and honest business practices and has a great deal of pride regarding corporate social responsibility and global corporate citizenship. Employees at Adobe participate in the local community and have a commitment to the environment. The c ompany value people as its greatest asset and the culture here is very open. Adobes CEO, Shantanu Narayen took his cue from Apple about leadership when he was employed by the company. He creates a common vision for the organization and challenges his employees by setting goals. He likes when employees use their creativity to come up with solutions to these goals. He believes that great work is motivating and leads to a great impact on the world. Narayen gives general managers at Adobe freedom to run their own business units the way they want. They are encouraged to grow and take risks and there is room for mistakes. The management team is encouraged to present ideas and discuss their insights into the business about what is working and what is not when there is the quarterly business is conducted; they are coached and guided by Narayen in the problem areas. The CEO thinks that managers being on top of the data is meaningless and wants to know more about what is keeping his managers up at night. Teams at Abobe are built by complementing peoples strengths by s urrounding them with people who can complement their areas of weakness. Narayen hires people who are highly intelligent, have a passion for what they do, and share the same values as Adobe as he believes these three qualities leads to success (Narayen, 2009). Strategy, Timing, and Deployment Since its inception in 1982, Adobe has always been where the action is. The desktop publishing era started at this time with laser printers, which used a program called InterPress developed by Xerox, however, this software was not very flexible. Warnock and Geschke developed PostScript at this time in a much simpler language and marketed it in 1984. When Apple developed its laser printer in 1985, it adopted Postscript to work with it. (Wikipedia, 2012). Adobes strategy here was to license and market its technology to OEMs such as IBM, Texas Instruments, and Apple. The strategy paid off because Postscript had become the standard for laser printers into the 1990s and it made Adobe very profitable. Postscript became a big hit with the publishing industry because it was extremely useful for professionals who were in the creative field (fundinguniverse, n.d.). Adobe acquired one of its major competitors in the desktop publishing industry, Aldus Corporation, the creator of desktop publishi ng software, in 1994 and now had rights to Alduss products with this acquisition (Wikipedia, 2012). Adobe was now a market leader in the industry due to its successful strategies. Adobe began to focus on creating new software when the internet began to boom in the mid-nineties. The company acquired Cencena Communications, Inc. in 1995 to strengthen its position in the market. Cencena developed communication and management tools for the world wide web and Adobe saw an opportunity. With Adobes creation of the PDF at this time and the web management tools of Cencena, the companies combined technologies helped to produce new solutions for customers and acquire a broader range of customers. Adobe was now able to integrate its software with companies such as Microsoft, Netscape, and ATT (The Free Library, 1995). When Adobe wanted to expand more rapidly into digital media, it acquired Macromedia in 2005, one of Adobes biggest competitors. Macromedia developed cutting edge software, such as Flash; once again with Macromedias and Adobes technology, Adobe was able to make its software evolve and capture new markets. Adobes current strategy involves focusing on digital media and digital marketing. The company is investing resources into HTML5 video and has acquired Nitobi, an open source software company (Adobe, 2012). When businesses and individuals need new and better solutions, Adobe steps in with its software and acquires companies that can help it evolve in the industry. Strategic partnership has always been this companys strategy and this is something Adobe does very well. Conclusion Adobe has done well as a corporation for the past thirty years. The company has developed amazing products during the past years which have had an impact on millions of people internationally and has added value to their lives and work. Adobe is able to understand what it customers needs and wants are and has catered to them with its excellent solutions and easy to use products; this has made the company become successful over the years. Adobes culture is open and encouraging and its leadership is supporting and inspiring. These factors are indicative for creativity in the company. Successful acquisitions have made the Adobe evolve with combined technologies and talent, which has led to new technologies and products for its customers. Adobes impact on the software industry has made it a powerful and well established corporation.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Manifestations of Truth in How to Tell a War Story by Tim O’ Brien Essay
How to Tell a War Story by Tim O’ Brien has taken into account various thematic expression and he uses an unusual style to narrate these thematic expression. It a balance-mix of story and reflective essay. O ‘Brien major concern remain the reality of truth. He illustrates various manifestations of truth and manifests that imagination is the major tool to locate the truth. In addition to that he develops a criterion for narrating a war story. â€Å"O’Brien shares the criteria with which the writer or teller and the reader or listener must be concerned by giving an extended definition of what a war story is or is not. The chapter â€Å"How to Tell a True War Story†focuses most extensively on the features that might be found in a â€Å"true†war tale. â€Å"(Calloway, 1995) So story is multifaceted and its narrative technique is advanced as well unique. Tim O’ Brien has critically evaluated the criterion for writing a true war story. O’Brien demonstrates that memory and reminiscence are transient in nature and one can tell a story purely based on his memory. Memory is always prone to mental faculty of creating fiction. Sometime the character or the narrator admits the elements of fictionality in a true war story but mostly it goes unnoticed and unobserved. Same is the case with How to Tell a War Story as Mitchell Sanders admits to Tim O Brien (the protagonist) that although most of his tale is based on fact but there are elements of fiction. Hew says, â€Å"’Last night, man,'†Sanders states, â€Å"‘I had to make up a few things . . . The glee club. There wasn’t any glee club . . . No opera,'†either (O’ Brien, 1998). â€Å"‘But,'†he adds, â€Å"‘it’s still true'†(O’ Brien, 1998). This is not distortion of truth but it is the limited nature of memory to recall things in proper order with minute details that urges human faculties to invent certain details. Furthermore, plain truth is not interesting enough to captivate the attention of the reader and amuse. In a Vietnam War story there can be pathos and miseries, deaths and destruction, but there is nothing pure to tell in the form of a story. O Brien himself explain this; â€Å"I think exercising the imagination is the main of finding the truth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Naparsteck, 1991, p. 10) So memories are true and well as invention simultaneously. In â€Å"Things They Carried†, collection short stories from which this story was taken, O’ Brien he acts as the narrator. So readers suppose that he himself was veteran of the war and observed everything on his own but his are not the first hand account of these tales. They are told by various veterans of wars and were later crafted by O’Brien. So both veterans and the writers has invented certain situations and mingled it with the real story. O’Brien says that it is not unethical or wrong to develop a story in this way. He says, â€Å"â€Å"You’d feel cheated if it never happened. †(O’ Brien). A story is developed on its own and follows a natural pattern. In this way, O’Brien implies that truth distorts when it passes through the mental processes. Various pre-conceived notions, past experiences, prejudices and men’s inventive powers cast its own impression on it. But it is natural phenomenon. O’Brien explains this in the story; In any war story, but especially a true one, it’s difficult to separate what happened from what seemed to happen. What seems to happen becomes its own happening and has to be told that way. The angles of vision are skewed. When a booby trap explodes, you close your eyes and duck and float outside yourself. When a guy dies, like Lemon, you look away and then look back for a moment and then look away again. The pictures get jumbled; you tend to miss a lot. And then afterward, when you go to tell about it, there is always that surreal seemingness, which makes the story seem untrue, but which in fact represents the hard and exact truth as it seemed. (O’Brien, 1998) Readers accept this balance mix-up of reality and invention but O’Brien, however, does not allow his readers to take these things for granted and inquires the whole idea of memoirs, recollections, and the short capability of memory to communicate the reality with accuracy. As far as the narrative structure is concerned, O’Brien himself calls it a mix of essay and fiction. In an interview to Naparsteck (1991) he says that, â€Å"In a way, it’s part essay and a part fiction but in a way it’s neither†¦To me, it has singleness or unity to it. Rather than part things this and part things that, it’s all those things together. †(p. 9) This manifests his idea of truth as a whole. He does not differentiate genuine reality from perceived reality and considers them conflation of each other and they as whole constitute the truth. Unquestionably, truth and fabrication is another theme that Tim O Brien takes into consideration in the story. He is of the view that in narrating a war story, untruth is not conflicting with truth. They are the facets of a single reality. One is real and other is inventive but both are genuine. During the war, truth is unclear and mostly uncertain. It takes varies semblances band is manifested in various contradictory forms. So both true and inventive part of the story seems contradictory but in reality, they are same and equivalent. This paradoxical manifestation of truth is symbolized by the death Curt Lemon. O’Brien as narrator is familiar with the situation in which Curt was killed. He was shot dead by a 105mm round while â€Å"he was playing catch with Rat Kiley†. But as O’Brien recollect this in his mind; he perceives that Curt was killed by daylight. This narration is different from the first one. But none is untrue. 105 round was tool but sunlight also played a major role in his death. Sunlight is also chief cause thus. In this way, O’Brien differentiates between the reality that took place and the reality that appears to take place. No account is untrue but both a different manifestation of same reality i. e. one is real and other is perceived as real. Tim Obrien does not use proper literary devices to convey this dichotomy like Golding does in â€Å"Lord of The Flies†where he use symbol of fire and convey its paradoxical nature. Conventionally, fire refers to destruction and damage but Golding uses it as a rescue symbol when boys trapped in an island use fire to get attention of the passing by ship and in the last, they are saved by the aero- plane that noticed the fire signaling rescue. But mostly, it is not possible to attach two opposite meaning to a single word as beautifully done by Golding in the novel. O’ Brien attempts the same. For example, he says, â€Å"it is safe to say that in a true war story nothing is ever absolutely true,†he generate a contradiction but it is not a single word or a symbols that he utilizes to communicate the paradox. It is the whole context that helps him make this statement. Stephen Kaplan sums up this thematic expression of reality in his book; Understanding Tim O’Brien. He says, â€Å"[O’Brien] completely destroys the fine line dividing fact from fiction and tries to show †¦ that fiction (or the imagined world) can often be truer, especially in the case of Vietnam, than fact. O’ Bren plays with truth in How to Tell a War Story and sometimes fabricates it. The chief purpose is to highlight the paradox of truth and to demonstrate its various facets and manifestations. He leaves it to the readers to discern between genuine truth and perceived truth. The writer’s use of a narrator Tim O’ Brien in this collection of short stories is at the same time appealing as well as disturbing. The confusion deepens when it told by the author that the narrator is a middle aged man telling the stories about the Vietnam War. The use of a narrator is interesting as it forces the readers to think that the story is basically rooted in some real life experiences. It also helps in joining together the disjointed elements in the tales. This tool also helps the writer to play and employ some untruths and marvelous things without suffering from the fear of being questioned for their authenticity. The readers suffer from the problem that is the narrator is just playing the role of a mouth piece for the writer or is he an independent character. However, by using this device the writer is able to convey the message to the readers that what is discussed in the story as truth is somewhat similar to what actually happened during the war. If the reader accepts that the narrator is reliable and he is telling the truth than he faced a dilemma. As in the beginning of the stories the narrator tells that he is a real person and going to tell real stories and in the end he tells them that everything that he has just told is just falsehood. The author might be using this illusion to convey the readers a way in which a war story should be told and the basic truths that these war stories carries. He might also be trying to make a point that the story is basically true and logical though it may not have actually happened in the Vietnam War. The construction of this collection of stories is not following the traditional way of telling the stories. There are stories within a story that are linked very beautifully together in a novel way. Each story is basically an endeavor, on the part of narrator, to make a point clear. In order to explain or discuss a thought or experience the narrator start telling another story. These stories, are however, not linked in the traditional way. On finishing the book the reader is made to realize the truth as an organic whole, in a strange way, and not in the ordinary way as is the truth in conveyed to them. In this style of story telling the writer is not bound to follow the chronological flow of time. He is free to roam about according to his will. He can discus the realities and the sequence of the happening of events according to how he deems it right and not by the traditional way of doing it. The writer is basically of the view that the ‘war stories’ need to present the ‘true illustration’ and it need not to indulge in ‘analysis’ so it is important that the short stories should remain true to the reality and the long story or the parent-story need not to be something actually happened in reality. Rosemary Kings explain this phenomenon in this way; O’Brien’s word play in the title hinges on the definition of â€Å"true,†a word he uses alternately throughout the story to mean either factually accurate, or something higher and nobler. He does this through three embedded narratives: Mitchell Sanders’s narration of Curt Lemon’s death; the narrator’s description of hearing Sanders’s story; and Tim O’Brien’s commentary on how to tell a true war story. (n1) Each narrator claims his story is an authentic retelling of events as they occurred in Vietnam, asserting the historicity of their narratives. (King, 1999) The structure of the book is such that the chapters and the short stories are basically there to help the readers understand the real story, the real and the tangible truth. These are basically the ‘things’ carried by the parent story. The comments of the narrator helps the reader understand the organic wholeness of the story just as the chapters in the long story are connected together by the connecting views and ideas of the author thrown here and there in the long story. Rosemary King also highlights the importance of title of the story; â€Å"O’Brien’s title delivers punch not only through the conflated definition of true but also through the distinction of what makes a war story â€Å"true. †He underscores the importance of manipulating what actually happened to get at the essence of truth. †Above-mentioned discussion and supported arguments and evidence clearly manifest that O’Brien has successfully asserted that truth has paradoxical nature and it can be conveyed as a whole i. e. a balance mix- of what happened and what seems to happen. In reality this pradox dissolved in a complete whole. He further illustrated that human mental processes modifies the objective reality. His own description of reality from the subjective point of view of the narrators in the story is a skillful representation of this phenomenon. Thus his story is a successful example of metafiction.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes Organizational theories Organizational behavior is a current growing field. The field is highly influential in business world. Organizational is becoming more important in the global economy as people with diverse backgrounds and cultural values have to work together effectively and efficiently. Organizational theory is a fundamental system in an organizational framework, whereby its complex dynamic goals oriented processes where it considers a general wider for aiming to model and design human organizations. In an organization motivation is the first key word that managers emphasis to their employee, there are many motivation theory in an organization, such as attribution theory, equity theory, incentive theory and emotional labor in organizations. The historical of organizational theory in an organizational, management has to have a perspective approach of its client so that its development in the field of targeting its goals can be reached. Managers in an organization as the task to make sure the entity of the organization is being recognized in terms of the products, social structure, technology, culture and physical structures and to make sure the product has power to attract and maintain the stability of the organization in terms of competition of other and in modern day to day life. Organizational theories also gives a better basic skills, to improve the attitude of the employees so that they can work and increase their willingness in learning new things on the job they do. Employees find that they perform better because their improve morale and self-esteem make them more willing and able to respond to challenges confronting them on the job. They also see the value of investing time and energy in continuous working as a matter of understanding and appreciation of their role within the organization, this is because of the theories of organization that enhance the commitment and willing of employees self faith in their work. In terms of management relation between its employees, not only have change among co-workers, it also have an increase sense of team spirit camaraderie. If the management increases its willingness so that they will come to a win solution, the management has to respect the employee’s needs, which have lead to the increasing sense of understanding and appreciation among the employees and the management. Organizational behavior has three major disciplines that has to be describe and taken serious, because it contribute a lot to the succession of any running organization, this disciplines are sociology, psychology and anthropology. This disciplines are important in organization because they future the cultural behavior of an organization, the cultural of an organization includes custom, rules, practices, beliefs, values, assumptions, norms, arts and skills, these gives an existence of and organization, how the organization works and how the work should be done. These cultures also relate the performance of all employees and give relation to others in the organization and to those outside. Organization does not work without power; it works with power of leaders so that the organization should have direction of working and fulfill the goals that are support to be implemented and to target the succession of the organizational goals. The organization communication exists despite the fact that the value of junior employees are given less opportunity to express their views and grievance, so that the power of the senior employees may not affect the growth of an organization. Challenges facing the organization communication As diversity in an organization grows, so does complexity of communication and the necessity to spend greater effort developing improved communication skills. Making the most diversity in employee’s coalition requires the commitment of all involved such as managers, leaders and chairman to interact with all management board so as to face the challenges of communication. This has to established and implement by the management so that managers has to learn to listen and invite others to be apart of the discussion. The management has categorically to give way of understanding so that their will be no misjudge of various people because of the ability of performance of work. The manger has to learn to communicate clearly and fairly. This all has to be adopted in an organization so that to give communication style to fit the situation. Both the managers and employees are the makers of the successful organization to be the best one to work in the world. The efforts of the employees should be encourage and be praise by the managers, that to give smooth ground of communication. Issues that employees abuse in an organization Many leaders in organization fail to realize that their attitude and behaviors are having a negative influence on the organization and the employees, which makes employee not to have healthy and good environment of working place, this makes the employee abuse the organization in terms of leadership values and ethics. Leaders bullying employees in workplace, this literally kills the employee’s motives and hard work he/she sacrifices in the organization. The working condition of organization such as mobbing, sweeping and collecting garbage it leads to employees abuse and also the payment condition, overtime, and leave this all encourages the employees not to perform well, thus diversity of communication emerges and later poor performance of an organization. Values and ethics in leadership communication The secret of leaders values and their ethic behavior should be visible in leaders daily in today’s world because the action you have to do makes you be the leader. Leader should have such values like ambition, dedication, respect, accuracy, improvement, enjoyment/fun and loyalty, this values help a leader to have good communication skills and flow of harmony to its employees. As a leader, ethics and value should define the character, this help a leader to lead and influence to others and make other people feel important and appreciatable. (Miller, 2005). Reference Miller, K. (2005). Organizational communication: Approaches and Processes. Thomson Wadswarth. Â
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Dual Nature of the Progressive Era Essay - 1322 Words
The Dual Nature of the Progressive Era One common misconception is to view the Progressive movement as a unified core of reform-minded crusaders dedicated to improving the social welfare of American society. While this viewpoint is not entirely incorrect, it is only a partial and thereby misleading assessment of the movement that categorized the early part of the nineteenth-century. What some may fail to appreciate is the duality of the period-the cry for social welfare reforms juxtaposed against the demand for optimum efficiency through scientific controls. Theoretically the two movements were compatible in nature, and under certain circumstances, perhaps even mutually dependent upon one another. One could argue that only a†¦show more content†¦The humanitarian wanted to use government to pass stronger health and safety regulations; they saw science as a means to eradicate poverty and disease, and as professionals they sought to bring social order through the uplifting of the oppressed. They were the champions of educational programs for the immigrant, social welfare programs for the impoverished and improved health care for both. As humanitarians they sought to promote orderliness by investing in Americas greatest resource-its children. In contrast, the proponents of scientific management wanted to use the government to impose order through an interlocking pattern of rigid rules and laws. As engineers they too saw science as the panacea for the nations ills; however, their vision was one of a scientifically planned community, free of wasteful spending and unnecessary expenditures. 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