Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Describe the challenge faced by John Proctor Essay
Depict a test looked by a character in the content. Clarify how the character managed the challenge. In ‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Millar, huge numbers of the characters confronted difficulties. One character who was confronted with challenge was the hero John Proctor. He confronted the test of attempting to keep his notoriety unblemished notwithstanding a judgemental Puritanical people group controlled by strange notion and strict narrow mindedness. The way that he had an unlawful illicit relationship with a young lady named Abigail was a significant deterrent to clearing his ‘good name’ alongside the way that his better half Elizabeth lied after swearing to tell the truth in court to attempt to ensure him. John Proctor was confronted with the choice among life and demise to manage the test of attempting to clear this ‘good name’ John Proctor, the hero, had the significant test of attempting to manage his double-crossing undertaking with Abigail, the key anatagonist in the play. Abigail begrudged John’s current spouse Elizabeth and she needed to have her spot. Whenever Abigail got the opportunity to blame individuals for being witches, Elizabeth was her first casualty. Delegate anyway needed to destroy his great name so as to blame Abigail for faking her cases. To do this however was a test he looked as he was a man with high ethics and didn’t need to demolish his name. A further test that John Proctor confronted was the point at which his better half Elizabeth was blamed for black magic and needed to vouch for demonstrate his innocence. At the point when his better half Elizabeth was captured after she was blamed by Abigail for being a witch, Proctor realized he could have prevented this preliminary from proceeding. He had the alternative of telling the court that the preliminary is a trick since he had an unsanctioned romance with Abigail and that she was out for vengeance after Elizabeth showed her out of the Proctor family and furthermore on the grounds that Proctor solidly dismissed her maxim â€Å"I will remove my hand before I go after you again†. The issue was if Proctor conceded his undertaking with Abigail, his notoriety will be demolished. In the long run he at last conceded his issue saying â€Å"God help me, I lusted†inferring that he laments taking part in an extramarital entanglements, however it was short of what was e xpected as the preliminaries were no longer in his grasp and was constrained by the court. The motivation behind why it was hard for John Proctor to demonstrate his innocence Religious bigotry was overflowing in the Puritannical town of Salem and the court framework depended on Biblical law. furthermore, you were either with or against God and like Danforth said â€Å"you are either with or against the courts†, you can just help one side. It is difficult for Proctor to keep his notoriety clean as a result of this explanation. At the point when he affirmed against Abigail, he put his notoriety in question. In the end he is sold out by Mary Warren and his last words â€Å" it is a prostitutes vengeance†states that the court depends on legends not realities and Abigail is just doing this for retribution in Proctor’s last endeavor to turn the courts. At long last, the last test that Proctor confronted was whether to live amazing demonstrate his innocence. At the point when he was pronounced a witch by the strict court, he had the alternative of either marking an admission admitting to this or heading off to the scaffold. At first, he marked the admission yet then tore it up when he understood it would demolish his notoriety and he felt coerce over the other people who had been dishonestly charged. after his request â€Å"give me my name, I have given you my soul†is dismissed. Now Hale the witch-tracker feels regretful about his activities and argues to Elizabeth to cause him to admit; everything she did was say â€Å" he’ll have his integrity now, god deny I take it from him†expressing that it was his decision and she can’t take it from him. Therefore, through the conditions that Proctor had, he managed the circumstances with fearlessness and pride. He figured out how to make up for himself from his prior sins and keeping his notoriety clean by deciding to hang as opposed to living in disgrace and having nothing to live for. Along these lines Proctor has taken his life loaded proudly and having his notoriety clean.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysis Assignment- Stairway to Heaven free essay sample
Flight of stairs to Heaven creates profundity and feeling all through the whole melody, beginning essentially and step by step conveying mineral intricacy and Intensity from 2:14 onwards. There Is a reasonable develop as the piece advances with the expansion of new Instruments (2:14), an Increase In beat (6:44), and change in mood consistently from trembles in 4/4 time to semi-shakes (2:02). Despite the fact that Led Zeppelin follow no specific sort of music, this fantastic piece starts as a noteworthy differentiation to their standard hard rock, blues rock, substantial metal style with a nearly society, acoustic introduction.The presentation holds one principle people riff that shapes the topic of numerous varieties to support the musically Ingenious contestants as the guitar solo starts at 5:55, bringing back Led Zeppelins regular overwhelming stone notoriety. Inside Victor Loppers variety of Stairway to Heaven, there is no proof of advancement or rising vitality and feeling. The course of action does anyway change beat commonly from = 120 to - 72, yet the progressions neglect to coordinate the first melody in the scarcest and seem unnatural, nearly disconnected, as they appear to be isolated on occasion by various uncomfortable silences (egg 2:30). The presentation holds one primary society riff that shapes the topic of numerous varieties to support the musically brilliant difference as the guitar LOL starts at 5:55, bringing back Led Zeppelins regular overwhelming stone notoriety. Inside Victor Loppers variety of Stairway to Heaven, there is no proof of advancement or rising vitality and feeling. The course of action does anyway change rhythm commonly from = 120 to =72, yet the progressions neglect to coordinate the first tune in the scarcest and seem unnatural, nearly incoherent, as they appear to be isolated now and again by various uncomfortable silences (egg 2:30).Contrasting the whole structure of the first piece, this Lopez plan begins heavier, with each instrument playing, and proceeds on eighty just from 0:17. A progressively playful heavier variety is presented again at 1 :24 and afterward the course of action parts of the bargains the start from 2:30. These progressions vary without a doubt, somewhat and are fruitles s in including as much assortment in the various parts as the first as it takes part in the abuse of reiteration. Despite the fact that this is comprehended to be a plan, it neglects to permit the various segments of the first piece to be appropriately decided. At a certain point it even incorporates an element trumpet part at 1:33 (see Figure 1) that doesn't take after any area of the first. Figure 1: Bars 33 36 of Stairway to Heaven organized by Victor Lopez In the composition and masterminding of this piece, Victor Lopez totally dismisses the class under which the first was composed by transforming this rendition into a major metal band tune with no proof of advancement or affectability to the first structure of Stairway to Heaven. Driven Zeppelins unique tune is well known worldwide for its principle early on tune, or riff, on lead guitar.This riff rehashes for the initial two minutes at that point proceeds at 2:16 into a variety, trading among this and played harmonies (based around G/B, AMA and D). The guitar solo at 5:55 starts with an A minor pentatonic scale at that point proceeds in A minor diatonic. The impact of having WV tunes (Jimmy Page on guitar and Robert Plant with voice) makes a powerful stable with certain conflicts addi ng to the extraordinary style of the tune. Inside the re-creation notwithstanding, Victor Lopez tries to reproduce the great opening guitar tune which is the principle and most notorious piece of the melody. This oversight alone, detracts from the first as this riff has become the exchange mark and most notable piece of the first Stairway to Heaven. The presentation begins with each instrument playing and an endeavored remove From the chorale, differentiating the possibility of one tune developing in Led Zeppelins rendition. The organized variety starts in E level major and adjusts to D major. There is no reasonable song apparent at all through the piece, as the quantity of instruments playing at comparable volumes, makes it hard to determine.Ornamentation is additionally a key melodic prosper in the first, that needs Victor Loppers adaptation, as there is no guitar and in this manner none of the splendid guitar strategies referenced above, to make the music wake up and turn out to be something other than notes on a page. The timbre or trademark nature of sound shows an extraordinary contrast when contrasting the jazz game plan of Stairway with Heaven to the first. Jimmy Page controls hi s guitar as the fundamental sound source with such brightness, utilizing an assortment of techniques, for example, pull offs, vibrato, hammer-particles, twists and slides (see Figure 2). The guitar is the focal instrument and is considered answerable for the distinction and striking quality of the piece as it holds most of the tune, and specifically draws out the complexity during the extension and solo (5:35). The whole piece relies upon the guitar as it proceeds with o play all through the entire tune and is responsible for the most intricate part, depicting the imagination and keenness of Stairway to Heaven. The utilization of the Maelstrom (an electronic console controlling pre-recorded melodic sounds) to copy the flute, makes the darker increasingly frightful state of mind and adds timbre differentiation to the guitar melody.Throughout the tune, to help the turn of events, instruments are added to the guitar at each segment change, for example, the Maelstrom woodwind (0:1 3), voice (0:53), low pitch guitar (2:14) and drums (4:18). These timbre changes during this piece, add to the melodic multifaceted nature ND greatness with the manner in which it starts delica tely and gets steadily darker all through, until it closes daintily at 7:45. Figure 2: Example pull off, vibrato, twist, hammer on and slide-Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven Victor Lopez game plan remembers an excessive number of instruments to depict the state of mind for which the first depicts.As it is composed for darker sounding instruments, for example, tenor and alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone and bass, it detracts from the lighter sounding parts in the first, thus needs differentiate. This form barely changes and stays of a similar timbre for a noble cause of the time aside from at 8 where the trumpets quit playing and different instruments hold long notes instead of all things considered playing the song bringing about a lighter timbre. This segment is the nearest Lopez comes to passing on to the audience, the first mind-set and differences of Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven.There is no adjustment of instrumental playing clear as the control of this piece needs assortment in notes or musicality which rules out individual varieties of the notes or instrument playing. The first was composed mostly for guitar and voice, bringing about the alternative for eight or dull timbre. This variety anyway comprises of lower metal instruments definitely prompting a predictable dull timbre, uncovering this pieces powerlessness to satisfy the first.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Summer 2010 Internship Post 1 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Summer 2010 Internship Post 1 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog All MIA and MPA students at SIPA complete thirty weeks of professional development during their two year program. Fifteen weeks is comprised of an internship and fifteen weeks is comprised of a group project referred to as a workshop or capstone project. SIPA offers no summer classes and this allows our students the opportunity to complete their full time internship anywhere in the world. There are several SIPA students working in the Admissions Office this year and I have asked each one of them to write about their summer internship experience. This first entry was written by Sawako Sonoyama, an MIA student concentrating in Economic and Political Development. Look for more entries on this topic in the near future. __________________________ My summer internship was with the Mae Fah Luang Foundation (MFLF) in Northern Thailand. The MFLF was established under the patronage of Her Royal Highness the Princess Mother who wished to promote development programs that focused on economic and social growth. There are numerous development projects in Thailand, the Union of Myanmar, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Republic of Indonesia, and I was stationed in the Doi Tung project area, near Chiang Rai. The Doi Tung Development Project is on its 23rd year of a 30-year development plan. The Foundation’s final goal is to transfer the ownership of the project to the local people. My internship’s objective was to analyze the transfer of ownership of the business units and its management and leadership from the organization to the local people. With a team of four graduate students and two Thai undergraduate students, we examined the current structure of the business, organizational structure, and local government in all their dimensions through first hand interviews with relevant stakeholders. The team also conducted research on existing models and examples of organizational transfer from throughout the world. Drawing from these models, we assessed and proposed appropriate institutional, financial, managerial framework and organizational structures to transfer any or all the social enterprises. We also examined what kind of capacity building is needed to develop local leadership which will enable them to take over the activities based on the proposed plan. Finally, we raised some key overarching issues for the transfer plan and emphasized the importance of institutionalizing the MFLF philosophy to the Doi Tung area. Of all of the various knowledge I gained from MFLF, the most interesting was learning about this MFLF philosophy. The MFLF philosophy and development approach are based on the values of His Royal Highness King Bhumibol Adulyadej and his mother, the Princess Mother. The King believed that the people and nature must co-exist in harmony and each step in development should be holistic, integrated, and people-centric. Understanding that the root problem of the region was poverty and lack of opportunity, they worked on providing the basic needs of health, livelihood, and education. The King inherently understood that development takes a long time, and proposed a thirty-year plan. A development project that lasts thirty years is unheard of in U.S. agencies. Because the project has a thirty year time line, the Foundation is very patient and slowly builds relationship with the aid recipient. Following its people-centric philosophy, the Foundation’s every step starts from learning from the people to understand their lifestyle. They hold large meetings, small focus groups, and individual chats to gradually win the trust and support from the local people. Even the Executive Director will personally go knocking on people’s doors to get to know them. Their approach is extremely humble. The MFLF hopes to spread these philosophies to development practices in the West. As an American intern in this Foundation, I believe that one of my duties is to help with that dissemination. I hope to carry on many of the foundation’s values: to become a humble development practitioner that can learn from and truly understand the lives and needs of the local people.
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