Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Final Project
Some of my unique qualities, personal characteristics, attitudes, abilities are the following†¦. My unique qualities are how no matter if I am happy or sad I can always make myself happy so other people are happy and so I don’t make other people in a bad mood like me. I have a very good attitude towards whatever I am doing. I am also very great leader, I am very trustworthy, I am very motivated towards whatever I am given to do, I am a very very honest person. When it comes to my working with people all day I am very friendly, open minded, my personality is great, my self-esteem is very high and I am very Respectful towards everyone that comes along no matter who they may be. My three key areas I wish to improve on, to overcome weaknesses, or to further strengthen my skills are very hard to think of because I have very few things that I need to improve I feel that along the way in life they improve themselves. I want to overcome my fear to fly, because I would love to move away or just in case if in my job I need to fly I will be able to fly. I would also like to work on being able to get up in front of a bunch of people and being able to speak without getting all quiet and freezing up. Also making eye contact with people while speaking. My ideal day would start off with every morning waking up next to my husband and that of course would be Rob. The weather would be a perfect 70 degrees, sunny maybe a little rain, just beautiful. I would watch a little TV and eat breakfast with my husband. Then I would sit around for as long as I would want too. As I sat at home and decide what I would want to do for the day I would play video games with my husband. We would have a nice sized house in Illinois. We have a TV in every room and also with those TV’s of course video games, DVD’s, VHS’s, surround sound and etc. When we would decide to go out I would enjoy the rain because I love it when it rains. Then Rob and I... Free Essays on Final Project Free Essays on Final Project Some of my unique qualities, personal characteristics, attitudes, abilities are the following†¦. My unique qualities are how no matter if I am happy or sad I can always make myself happy so other people are happy and so I don’t make other people in a bad mood like me. I have a very good attitude towards whatever I am doing. I am also very great leader, I am very trustworthy, I am very motivated towards whatever I am given to do, I am a very very honest person. When it comes to my working with people all day I am very friendly, open minded, my personality is great, my self-esteem is very high and I am very Respectful towards everyone that comes along no matter who they may be. My three key areas I wish to improve on, to overcome weaknesses, or to further strengthen my skills are very hard to think of because I have very few things that I need to improve I feel that along the way in life they improve themselves. I want to overcome my fear to fly, because I would love to move away or just in case if in my job I need to fly I will be able to fly. I would also like to work on being able to get up in front of a bunch of people and being able to speak without getting all quiet and freezing up. Also making eye contact with people while speaking. My ideal day would start off with every morning waking up next to my husband and that of course would be Rob. The weather would be a perfect 70 degrees, sunny maybe a little rain, just beautiful. I would watch a little TV and eat breakfast with my husband. Then I would sit around for as long as I would want too. As I sat at home and decide what I would want to do for the day I would play video games with my husband. We would have a nice sized house in Illinois. We have a TV in every room and also with those TV’s of course video games, DVD’s, VHS’s, surround sound and etc. When we would decide to go out I would enjoy the rain because I love it when it rains. Then Rob and I...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race and Animal Cruelty
The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race and Animal Cruelty The Iditarod Trail dog sled race is a sled dog race from Anchorage, Alaska to Nome, Alaska, a route that is over 1,100 miles long. Aside from basic animal rights arguments against using dogs for entertainment or to pull sleds, many people object to the Iditarod because of the animal cruelty and deaths involved. â€Å"[J]agged mountain ranges, frozen river, dense forest, desolate tundra and miles of windswept coast . . . temperatures far below zero, winds that can cause a complete loss of visibility, the hazards of overflow, long hours of darkness and treacherous climbs and side hills.†This is from the official Iditarod website. The death of a dog in the 2013 Iditarod has prompted race organizers to improve protocols for dogs removed from the race. History of the Iditarod The Iditarod Trail is a National Historic Trail and was established as a route for dog sleds to access remote, snowbound areas during the 1909 Alaskan gold rush. In 1967, the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race began as a much shorter sled dog race, over a portion of the Iditarod Trail. In 1973, race organizers turned the Iditarod Race into the grueling 9-12 day race that it is today, ending in Nome, AK. As the official Iditarod website puts it, â€Å"There were many who believed it was crazy to send a bunch of mushers out into the vast uninhabited Alaskan wilderness.†The Iditarod Today The rules for the Iditarod require teams of one musher with 12 to 16 dogs, with at least six dogs crossing the finish line. The musher is the human driver of the sled. Anyone who has been convicted of animal cruelty or animal neglect in Alaska is disqualified from being a musher in the Iditarod. The race requires the teams to take three mandatory breaks. Compared to previous years, the entry fee is up and the purse is down. Every musher who finishes in the top 30 receives a cash prize. Inherent Cruelty in the Race According to the Sled Dog Action Coalition, at least 136 dogs have died in the Iditarod or as a result of running in the Iditarod. The race organizers, the Iditarod Trail Committee (ITC), simultaneously romanticize the unforgiving terrain and weather encountered by the dogs and mushers, while arguing that the race is not cruel to the dogs. Even during their breaks, the dogs are required to remain outdoors except when being examined or treated by a veterinarian. In most U.S. states, keeping a dog outdoors for twelve days in freezing weather would warrant an animal cruelty conviction, but Alaskan animal cruelty statutes exempt standard dog mushing practices: This section does not apply to generally accepted dog mushing or pulling contests or practices or rodeos or stock contests. Instead of being an act of animal cruelty, this exposure is a requirement of the Iditarod. At the same time, Iditarod rules prohibit â€Å"cruel or inhumane treatment of the dogs.†A musher may be disqualified if a dog dies of abusive treatment, but the musher will not be disqualified if â€Å"[T]he cause of death is due to a circumstance, nature of the trail, or force beyond the control of the musher. This recognizes the inherent risks of wilderness travel.†If a person in another state forced their dog to run over 1,100 miles through ice and snow and the dog died, they would probably be convicted of animal cruelty. It is because of the inherent risks of running the dogs across a frozen tundra in sub-zero weather for twelve days that many believe the Iditarod should be stopped. The official Iditarod rules state, â€Å"All dog deaths are regrettable, but there are some that may be considered unpreventable.†Although the ITC may consider some dog deaths unpreventable, a sure way to prevent the deaths is to stop the Iditarod. Inadequate Veterinary Care Although race checkpoints are staffed by veterinarians, mushers sometimes skip checkpoints and there is no requirement for the dogs to be examined. According to the Sled Dog Action Coalition, most of the Iditarod veterinarians belong to the International Sled Dog Veterinary Medical Association, an organization that promotes sled dog races. Instead of being impartial caregivers for the dogs, they have a vested interest, and in some cases, a financial interest, in promoting sled dog racing. Iditarod veterinarians have even allowed sick dogs to continue running and compared dog deaths to the deaths of willing human athletes. However, no human athlete has ever died in the Iditarod. Intentional Abuse and Cruelty Concerns about intentional abuse and cruelty beyond the rigors of the race are also valid. According to an ESPN article: Two-time runner-up Ramy Brooks was disqualified from the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race for abusing his dogs. The 38-year-old Brooks hit each of his 10 dogs with a trail marking lathe, similar to a surveyors stake, after two refused to get up and continue running on an ice field [...] Jerry Riley, winner of the 1976 Iditarod, was banned for life from the race in 1990 after he dropped a dog in White Mountain without informing veterinarians the animal was injured. Nine years later, he was allowed back in the race. One of Brooks’ dogs later died during the 2007 Iditarod, but the death was believed to be unrelated to the beating. Although Brooks was disqualified for beating his dogs, nothing in the Iditarod rules prohibits mushers from whipping the dogs. This quote from The Speed Mushing Manual, by Jim Welch, appears on the Sled Dog Action Coalition: A training device such as a whip is not cruel at all but is effective [...] It is a common training device in use among dog mushers [...] A whip is a very humane training tool [...] Never say whoa if you intend to stop to whip a dog [...] So without saying whoa you plant the hook, run up the side Fido is on, grab the back of his harness, pull back enough so that there is slack in the tug line, say Fido, get up immediately rapping his hind end with a whip. As if dog deaths were not enough, the rules allow mushers to kill moose, caribou, buffalo, and other large animals â€Å"in defense of life or property†along the race. If the mushers were not racing in the Iditarod, they wouldn’t encounter wild animals defending their territory. Breeding and Culling Many of the mushers breed their own dogs for use in the Iditarod and other sled dog races. Few dogs can become champions, so it is common practice to cull the unprofitable dogs. An email from former musher Ashley Keith to the Sled Dog Action Coalition explains: When I was active in the mushing community, other mushers were open with me about the fact that larger Iditarod kennels frequently disposed of dogs by shooting them, drowning them or setting them loose to fend for themselves in the wilderness. This was especially true in Alaska, they said, where veterinarians were often hours away. They often used the phrase Bullets are cheaper. And they noted that its more practical for mushers in remote parts of Alaska to do it themselves. The Mushers Although the mushers endure some of the same harsh conditions faced by the dogs, the mushers decide voluntarily to run the race and are fully aware of the risks involved. The dogs do not make such decisions knowingly or voluntarily. The mushers can also voluntarily decide to drop out and walk away when the race is too difficult. In contrast, individual dogs are dropped from the team when they are sick, injured or dead. Furthermore, the mushers are not whipped if they are going too slow. Changes After Dog Death in 2013 In the 2013 Iditarod, a dog named Dorado was removed from the race because he was moving stiffly. Dorados musher, Paige Drobny, continued the race and, following standard protocol, Dorado was left outside in the cold and the snow at a checkpoint. Dorado died of asphyxiation after being buried in snow, although seven other dogs who were also covered in snow survived. As a result of Dorados death, race organizers plan to build dog shelters at two checkpoints and also check on the dropped dogs more frequently. More flights will also be scheduled to transport dropped dogs from checkpoints that are not accessible via roads. What Can I Do? You dont have to be a member of PETA to believe in animal rights. Even with the entry fee, the Iditarod loses money on each musher, so the race relies on money from corporate sponsors. Urge the sponsors to stop supporting animal cruelty, and boycott sponsors of the Iditarod. The Sled Dog Action Coalition has a list of sponsors as well as a sample letter.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Statement of Interest - Residential Child Care Licensing Investigator Personal
Of Interest - Residential Child Care Licensing Investigator - Personal Statement Example The job opportunity is also in my personal characteristics of providing an opportunity that is relevant to my professional requirements My degree in criminology has prepared me adequately for the understanding of applicable laws related to the career needs. My studies have also prepared me analytically to handle complex situations and analyze people critically in establishing their physical and psychological conditions. While developing my investigative skills, I learned appropriate measures to assume where the need arises for the protection of the welfare of others and, in this case, the children. I have extensive communication skills in Spanish and English with a great interpersonal skill to build healthy working relationships. My personal life is defined and separate from my professional path and engaging in complex and time-consuming activities in varied geographic regions would not be a problem. I like challenging and exceeding my limits and those of my employers in the quality of service delivered. I will use my skills to the best of my ability by working diligently to provide efficient services as required by my roles and obligations. Personally, I hope to increase my presence and activities as an RCCL Investigator while advancing my career in the same. Professionally, I hope to learn from the services of fellow investigators so as to improve my skills in handling cases more efficiently while contributing significantly to the other members of the agency. As an agency, the scope of our responsibilities will be crucial to DFPS where we get to serve a larger segment of the people in need of our
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Effects of Spirituality on Substance Abuse Treatment Research Paper
The Effects of Spirituality on Substance Abuse Treatment - Research Paper Example Various studies have indicated that there is a strong relationship between spirituality and medicine. These studies express that the majority of the US population believe in God and most of them believe that spiritual health is also as important as physical health (Anandarajah and Hight, 2001). Seventy-seven percent of the population also believes that a patient’s spiritual beliefs must form part of the patient’s treatment. However, a good percentage of these believers express that physicians rarely discuss their spiritual concerns with the patients and this has prevented the inclusion of personal spirituality into the patient’s lives (Anandarajah and Hight, 2001). Religious commitments have been known to prevent illness, including mental health affectations like depression and substance abuse; they have also been known to assist the patient in his recovery and in coping with his illness. Some studies were also able to discuss how elderly patients undergoing cardiac surgery who did not show strength or find comfort in their religion had a higher risk of death in the six-month period following their surgery (Anandarajah and Hight, 2001). Those who had more religiously commitments were twice as likely to survive longer after major surgeries with the strength and comfort of their religion playing a significant role in their lives. Relaxation and meditation are also highlighted as a crucial element of spirituality and when applied to the medical practice, it is known to relieve a person’s stress, causing less strain to the person’s overall physical and emotional well-being. It provides a placebo effect which eventually triggers a favorable frame of mind which can provide more tools for recovery and restoration. Among substance abuse person, spirituality is a very beneficial addition because it basically provides emotional support and guidance to the person, arming him with the necessary emotional and psychological tools for recovery. Recovering from drug and alcohol addiction requires a significant amount of willpower on the part of the patient.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Critique & Vanities Essay Example for Free
Critique Vanities Essay Written by an American, Jack Heifner â€Å"Vanities†is a story relating to three young girls from a little town called Texas. The lives of these three girls take a sharp turn in puzzling ways after a deeply intense period at school where they would spend good time flinging themselves into the air and making noises. The girls enjoyed their happy times and shared together but after going away from one another, they forgot everything and separately started their own means of survival. According to the playwright it seems that cheerleaders who are worshipped and envied in high school do not grow up and live charmed lives in their later years. The playwright begins by mentioning his three characters namely Lauren Kennedy, Sarah Stiles and Anneliese van der Pol who acted as cheerleaders sometimes back when they were in high school and college. All the three beautiful girls shown in this pleasant but forgettable play must weather the storm and trouble after putting away their pullovers and saddle shoes. The play begins in a conventional and inconsequential manner; however, it comes in a series of oral plays that are arranged in a sequential order. In the beginning of the play, the three characters are revealed as having a happy life in high school, socializing with one another and even sharing their happy times together. Kathy, who is living in the apartment, plans and organizes a get-together party for the three and though the playwright does not mention the reason behind the holding of the get-together party; it is true that the party was meant to commemorate the happy times and sorrowful times that they had been sharing together. Joanne, to whom life seemed to be still an active convention, is now getting out of shape with time. She is a pretty girl and one who does not care much about the future. Kate Guyton also displays the same characters. Kate Guyton is later engaged in a marriage relationship with Ted who is revealed as the play’s most lively and puzzling characters but does not show herself. Mary as acted by Regan Thompson changes from a sex maniac young girl to a professional marketer of the same trade. She has an art gallery that deals with erotic art despite being married and one of her best customers is none other than the wandering Ted with whom she has an affair. The girls do not seem to learn anything in school. Mary wishes to be a nurse or a psychologist. Kathy does not want to be anything whereas Joanne goes on being a virgin. Ted is arguably the most active and strange character in this play, though he does not take an active role. When Anneliese van der Pol, who is a cheerleader tried to attract her friends attention to bow to the get-together party every thing does not go smoothly since the boys and other social issues keep getting in the way and as result, Anneliese van der Pol’s confidence on the success of the get-together party is rendered hopeless. However, she tries with all her effort to get back to her friends Joanne and Mary. Due to this situation, the playwright uses Kirshenbaum’s music to reflect the kind of dilemma she was undergoing. The young women appear to be in confused states of mind than there before and do not even show the character of leadership despite having been cheerleaders before. Joanne plans a wedding with her former high school sweetheart but at the same time, Mary also plans to travel to Europe in summer. Kathy still doubts the fact that her former friend and schoolmate have married a woman who is already. As a result of this she gets disappointed with men. Mary then comes in to console her friend from her disappointment. This clearly displays the obvious strained relationship of the three girls in this reunion party. The character of cheerleading learned at high school seems to have ended there. It did not go beyond the school gate. At the time the play goes to New York City, the three actresses had been completely changed in their characters from which they had when they were together. Mary who is a prostitute gets angry of her friend Joanne because of her decision to become a housewife and a mother. This problem disturbs Joanne but later reveals it when she gets drunk. The trio-actresses have strong and appealing voices. However, Ms Kennedy looks worried because she has to smoke every time. Or could she be experiencing a difficulty in relating with the others? Probably as they also do not get out of the arena during the short break and they sit at the table of vanity to have time to adjust their makeup. After watching the play I was amazed by the playwrights’ theme of misguided values as shown by the transformation of the characters of the three girls. They experienced overexcitement in high school, life of uncertainty in college and sadness in their final reunion. But is life that vain as the writer tries to show? I don’t think so but it might reflect these trends if the values that one calculates are against the norms or misplaced as the characters reveal. Works cited Heifner Jack â€Å"Vanities†1963
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Pros And Cons Of Mcdonalds Essay -- essays research papers
McDonalds: Welcome sign in the high street or a place to avoid? In this essay I will be discussing the pros and cons of fast foods. Now a day every body will recognize the golden arches of McDonalds, it is hard not to. McDonalds has restaurants everywhere, beside major roads and in almost every high street. Their commercials are on television at least once a day. They became popular within a couple of years. Teenagers especially like McDonalds because of the relaxed atmosphere, cheap prizes and the fact that all over the world you know what you are buying. In restaurants I find that the waiter there look at me and think that I might not be able to pay for the meal. With McDonalds I find that every person is welcome to come in and eat, no matter what you look like or how much money you have. There is also not a certain dress code that you have to oblige to. Fast food is easy to eat food that requires no cutlery. The fast food industry is not only good. The foods contain too much fat, salt and sugars. The food is not always what is said to be and uses a lot of packaging. Packaging that will be thrown on the ground, if the food is not eaten within the restaurant. People usually don’t take the time to throw the packaging in the dustbins. The high streets usually have a whole carpet with litter of fast food restaurants. I think that the restaurants can’t be responsible for the litter but the restaurants can do every thing to make their packaging as environmental friendly. Peo...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Importance of Small and Mediun Entreptises in a Developing Economy
ID NUMBER: 11060659 COURSE: MANAGEMENT OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES (SMEs) LECTURER: MR. ADAMS FADIR-RAHMAN DATE: 21-4-2010 QUESTION: TO WHAT EXTENT DO CAN IT BE SAID THAT GHANA CANNOT DEVELOP WITHOUT THE ACTIVITIES OF SMEs OPERATORS Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are companies whose headcount or turnover falls below certain limits. And the limit depends on the country in which the company is operating. SMEs contribute immensely to the economic development of a country . And it can be said that a developing country like Ghana cannot develop without the contribution of SMEs due to the following reasons: Firstly, SMEs contribute significantly to the provision of productive employment opportunities for rural and urban growing labor force in Ghana. The provision of employment opportunities increases the generation of income by the people . And when most of the people in the country are employed, it leads to the reduction of poverty. Secondly, they help to absorb productive resources at all levels of the economy and add to the flexible economic system in which small and large firms are interlinked. Such linkages are very crucial for the attraction of foreign investment. This is because the investing transnational corporations look for sound domestic suppliers for their supply chain. Thirdly, SMEs provide substitution for imported goods which create competition and leads to production of quality goods at affordable prices. This is to say that the substitutes of imported goods produced in Ghana by SMEs helps to create competition between the SMEs and the foreign producers. And this forces them to produce quality goods at affordable prices since there is competition. Furthermore, SMEs help in the provision of capital to individuals, other businesses and even the government. When the SMEs generate their income, they deposited them in the various commercial banks in Ghana. It is from these funds that the banks advance loans to their needy customers. And these funds are sometimes loaned to the government to finance its developmental projects. Also, the income generated by the SMEs is subject to tax. Thus their returns are taxed for the development of the nation. These taxes, when collected, are used for the construction of roads, schools, hospitals and other social amenities. More so, SMES help to produce and enhance the movement of goods outside the country. They also help to the country to export its raw materials or natural resources to foreign countries for foreign exchange. And it also paves the way for some local goods to be marketed outside the country. And this help to increase the gross domestic product (GDP) and per capital income of the country. Lastly, Most of the current larger enterprises have their origin in small and medium enterprises. This is to say that most of the large scale enterprises in Ghana were SMEs before their current state. SMEs are different from large scale enterprises in three main aspects; uncertainty, innovation and evolution. Therefore we can say that SMEs are the starting point of development in the Ghanaian economy towards industrialization. In a nutshell, judging from above, we can see that there is no way that Ghana can develop without the operations of SMEs. So what is required is for the government of Ghana to pursue the precise policy and regulatory reforms to turn SMEs into an effective instrument for the enhancement of economic growth. REFERENCE: SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTREPRISES,JONATHAN BLAY ,1993,CANADA IMPORTANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTREPRISES IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT,BASHIR AHMED FIDA,PAKISTAN,2008. WWW. THEFREELIBRARY. COM
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Good and Traditional Business
BUS 200 Week 7 Assignment Strayer University How eBay Stays Connected to Its Community 1. What macro-barriers and micro-barriers might hinder successful communication between Meg Whitman and eBay users? What do you suggest she do to address these potential barriers? A macro-barrier that might hinder communication could be the constant need to learn new concepts which cut down on the time available. A way to address this barrier would be to train your personnel at different times leaving the opportunity for those that are attending training to have their positions filled for the time gone. A micro-barrier that might hinder communication could be perception. Each person might have a different interpretation of a message this could put a barrier between the customer and the service needed. A way to address this barrier would be to by running scenarios for the employees on the most frequently asked questions and seeing which answers that they come up with. 2. Do you think the channels of communication in an online business such as eBay differ from those in a traditional business? Explain. No, I feel that with the online business you would get more communication with the customers than with a traditional business. I feel this way because if a traditional business’ customer has a problem with something, then they would have to go through the proper channels to get something done about what the certain issue is that they want to have corrected. If the online business customer has a problem, all they have to do is go the comment section, or the contact us button on the website and they would easily put down what their problem is. I feel that it is easier for online customers to get the problems solved in a more reasonable time than with traditional businesses. . How would you recommend that new managers at eBay establish rapport with buyers and sellers? I feel that eBay managers could establish rapport with buyers and sellers by continuing to get their input on things that they would like to change. Get the opinions of the buyers and sellers and see what they feel would be good or bad for the company. If you have a consensus of the majority, it would make their jobs as managers easier to m ake the necessary decisions that are necessary to make the company better as a whole.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Environmental Science Final Essay Example
Environmental Science Final Essay Example Environmental Science Final Paper Environmental Science Final Paper In general, natural resources ________. should be used efficiently and conserved Microbes in our digestive tract that help us digest food demonstrate a(n) ________ association. symbiotic Coal, oil, and natural gas are ________. symbiotic Which of the following is true about top predators They are likely to be keystone species. A climax community always remains in place until a disturbance restarts succession Which of the following is true? Species on Earth today are but a fraction of all species that ever lived. Sustainable development ________. means consuming resources without compromising future availability ________ believe that within a market economy, economic sustainability is achieved through reduction of growth and by more efficient resource use. Environmental economists A small section of prairie grasses, over a year, produces enough biomass to feed insects, mice, rabbits, birds, deer, antelope, and a host of decomposers. The amount of food potentially available to the herbivores is the ________. net primary production A hypothesis is ________. a testable proposition that explains an observed phenomenon or answers a question The origin of all nitrogen in biological tissues is ________. atmospheric N2 gas A system receiving inputs and producing outputs without undergoing any changes in size or function is said to be in ________. dynamic equilibrium The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a(n) ________. transform plate boundary Ecology is ________. the study of organisms and their interactions with each other and with the environment Zebra mussels ________. are an invasive exotic species that clogs water intake pipes at factories, power plants, and wastewater treatment facilities ________ are the primary water?insoluble components of cell membranes. Lipids Taiga and tundra both ________. have comparatively low temperatures throughout the year Macronutrients ________. are required in large amounts for organisms to survive River water held behind a dam is best described as a form of ________. potential energy Type of rock formed when magma or lava cools ________. igneous The functional role of a species in its community is its ________. distribution Skin, hair, muscles, and enzymes are classified as ________. proteins Which of the following describes mass wasting? downslope movement of soil and rock due to gravity If domestic fuel prices rise to $5 per gallon, conservation will increase, alternative fuels will be developed, and energy efficiency and our quality of life will improve. This philosophy is consistent with ________ economics. environmental The scientific process and knowledge is based on ________. testing hypotheses that are built on observations ________ are typical primary consumers in a temperature deciduous forest. Deer Ecosystem services include ________. pollination of crop plants ________ is best defined as the study of how we decide to use scarce resources in the face of demand. economics A coyote, which can alter its food intake to match seasonal abundance of plants, fruits, or small animals, is considered to be ________. a generalist, able to be flexible Detritivores include ________. millipedes, soil insects, many ants Unregulated populations tend to increase by ________. exponential growth Rock that has undergone heat or pressure that causes it to change form is called ________. metamorphic An example of greenwashing is ________. creating the illusion of green or sustainable practices Endemic species ________. are found only in one place on the planet Grazing animals such as deer are ________. primary consumers or herbivores Ecotones are the ________. transitional zones between ecosystems A paradigm ________. is a means of evaluating scientific hypotheses The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies are the premises of ________. environmental justice Which of the following would be most vulnerable to extinction? an orchid endemic to a forest where logging is occurring A population is a (the) ________. group of individuals of a single species that live and interact in one area Which of the following is accurate? when we damage ecosystems we lose both biodiversity and valuable ecosystem services Geothermal energy, wind and solar radiation are all examples of ________. renewable environmental factors Extinction is ________. a natural process ________ is best defined as the knowledge, beliefs, values, and learned ways of life shared by a group of people. culture Aquifers are ________. underground water reservoirs The eutrophication that has taken place in the Gulf of Mexico and other locations appears to be due to ________. excess nutrients from fertilizers Age pyramids, used to show the age structure of a population, generally ________. indicate the relative numbers (frequency, or percentage) of individuals in each age class The force driving plate tectonics is ________. heat in the deepest layers of the earth An example of a density-independent factor would be ________. cold weather causing the lake to freeze The biosphere consists of the ________. sum of all the planets living organisms and the abiotic portions of the environment Paleontologists and ecologists agree that ________. 99% of all species that have ever existed are now extinct The human population is approximately ________. 6.9 billion Worldwide, the fastest growing cities today are mostly ________. cities in developing nations, including Cairo, Egypt, and Mumbai (Bombay), India Deforestation ________. has the greatest impacts in tropical areas and arid regions Forests reach their greatest ecological complexity when ________. they are mature and exhibit a multi-level canopy Organic farming ________. has increased in the United States, Canada and Europe in recent years Any consideration of the true costs of sprawl must include ________. increased use of fossil fuels Not surprisingly, the nation with the highest rate of contraceptive use (90%) is ________. Australia The first national park was ________. Yellowstone The buildup of salts in soils as a result of overirrigation is ________. salinization The loss of more than 10% productivity in arid areas due to erosion, soil compaction, forest removal, and an array of other factors is called ________. desertification Bullfrog tadpoles are often sold as fish bait, even in areas where they do not occur naturally. When people buy 10 of them and dont use them all, they often dump the remainder into the lake or river. This is an example of ________. introduced species Monoculture ________. is an agricultural practice of growing large stands of a single species According to the IPAT model, technology that enhances our acquisition of minerals, fossil fuels, timber, and ocean fish ________. increases environmental impact During most of our species 160,000-year existence, and until about 10,000 years ago, we depended on ________. hunting and gathering The breakdown of large rocks into smaller pieces is ________. affected by rainfall, freezing and thawing ________ is the worlds most populous nation, home to ________ of the people living on Earth. China; one-fifth A population which is not growing will have a TFR of ________. 2.1 In general, successfully introduced species experience ________. increased competition from other organisms The practice of planting large areas with a single type of crop, monoculture ________. is a development of industrial agriculture Ecosystem-based timber harvesting uses methods that ________. leave seed-producing or mature trees uncut to provide for future forests Relative to agriculture, insects are usually ________. essential pollinators and predators for sustainable systems Agricultural practices, where the members of a farming family produce only enough food for themselves and do not make use of large-scale irrigation, chemical fertilizer, or machinery and technology, is called ________. subsistence agriculture Researchers have demonstrated that organic farming ________. decreased organic soil losses while giving yields comparable to conventional farming Americas age?structure diagram ________. reflects a population with a high growth rate ________ are best defined as substances that cause birth defects. Teratogens What drives the move to the suburbs from cities? desire to live in less stressful, more peaceful park-like conditions Clear-cutting ________. removes all trees from an area Leaching ________. removes water soluble nutrients from soil ________ are best defined as substances that cause cancer. Carcinogens The new urbanism tries to ________. develop walkable communities, with homes and businesses close together A country with ________ is not expected to grow quickly in the near future. high female literacy It is more energetically efficient for us to to eat more ________. plant-based foods Over the past 50 years, most U.S. citizens who could afford to do so ________. left the cities for the suburbs Toxicants that cause harm by affecting the immune system include ________. allergens The ecological footprint of a large city is ________ than/as the surrounding rural area. slightly higher Why do developing nations impose few or no restrictions on logging? They are desperate for economic development. Raising ________ requires the most land and water. beef cattle The O horizon is ________. primarily composed of organic materials A species of lizard has gone extinct. This could be due to any of the following reasons except ________. increased genetic diversity within the species Controlled burns would be used in forests ________. that are subject to severe wild fires to remove fuel load and stimulate new growth The greatest diversity (numbers of different species) of organisms can be found in ________. insects The effect of toxicants on fetuses and young children ________. is greater because of their developmental immaturity, rapid growth and smaller biomass Biodiversity enhances human food security because it ________. is a potential source of new food items or new genetic varieties of existing foods The worlds urban populations are ________. growing faster than the population as a whole Which of the following is a method that governments use to improve urban transportation? Designate carpool lanes and carpool parking spots in many public places. The worldwide drop in sperm counts among men has been attributed to ________. endocrine disruptors The consequences of overfertilization can include ________. eutrophication in nearby waters Some indoor chemical hazard(s) are ________. Radon and asbestos Carcinogens may be difficult to identify because ________. there is a long lag time between exposure to the agent and disease The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ________. is an international panel that reports on how climate change influences biomes and economies Xeriscaping can save water by ________. planting native or drought-resistant plants with little or no water requirements El Nino and La Nina ________. produce changes of opposite direction in global temperature and precipitation patterns In the wake of the U.S. failure to ratify the Kyoto Protocol ________. cities and states are setting their own programs for reducing greenhouse gas emissions Seasons are a result of ________. differences in the amount and intensity of sunlight brought about by the tilt of Earths axis About 80% of the oceans water exists in the ________. deep zone Milankovitch cycles ________. are changes in Earths rotation and orbit around the sun that may trigger climate variation The most obvious cause of industrial smog is ________. burning fossil fuels The area that underlies the shallow water bordering continents is called the ________. continental shelf An artesian aquifer occurs when ________. a water?bearing layer is trapped between two layers that are less permeable Tropospheric ozone ________. is produced through the interaction of heat and UV light, with nitrogen oxides and carbon-containing compounds Approximately ________% of the typical American city is devoted to use by cars. usually be used from sinks for irrigation and watering lawns As of 2010, the saga of the Colorado Rivers water resource allocation is being complicated by ________. several years of drought coupled with the rapid growth of Las Vegas Overpumping groundwater in coastal areas can cause ________ to move into aquifers, making the water undrinkable. salt water The Coriolis effect contributes to ________. global wind patterns The Kyoto Protocol ________. was intended to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases to levels lower than those of 1990 Lead enters the atmosphere as a particulate pollutant. This is a problem because it ________. causes central nervous system damage in humans Photochemical smog differs from industrial smog in that it ________. is formed only in the presence of sunlight As water warms, it ________. expands Precipitation that falls on Earths surface ________. may take a variety of pathways through surface water or groundwater flow A recent study has revealed that chlorinated hydrocarbons, gasoline and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have become significant pollutants in ________ from ________. ground water / leaking storage tanks One of the problems that occurs as a consequence of CFC pollution is ________. increasing skin cancer in humans Marine reserves ________. are no?take areas in the oceans Which of the following best describes floodplains? a region of land that is periodically flooded when a river overflows Today, _______ has the worst acid deposition problem, primarily because of _______. China / coal-fired electrical and industrial plants _______% of U.S.citizens live in coastal counties, thus vulnerable to rises in sea level. 53% Carbon dioxide is ________. the main anthropogenic greenhouse gas produced in the United States One-fifth of Earths total freshwater supply is in ________. groundwater Radon ________. may cause lung cancer when inhaled The rapid melting of Greenlands ice cap could disrupt the NADW formation by ________. adding huge amounts of less dense fresh water to the surface of the system Ocean water is saltiest ________. where there is high evaporation and low precipitation The largest portion of atmospheric gases is ________. nitrogen You want to maintain a healthy pond at your school site. Last year another pond became eutrophic; to avoid that, you want to ________. avoid increasing phosphorus runoff into the limnetic zone Kelp are ________. large algae that protect shorelines from erosion, and supply shelter and food for invertebrates and fish Which one of the following is not yet regulated by the EPA? carbon dioxide Most present?day fisheries managers ________. wish to set aside areas of ocean where systems can function without human interference. Keelings reports from Mauna Loa demonstrated ________. an increase in tropospheric CO2 from the 1950s to present The exceptionally strong warming of the eastern Pacific is referred to as ________. El Nino The relative humidity is the ________. amount of water vapor in the atmosphere Natural sources of air pollution come from ________. soil dust and volcanic dust You have been hired by a rapidly growing small city to improve the air quality, which has deteriorated in the past 10 years. Your first suggestion is to ________. improve transportation options, including carpool lanes, buses, and light rail Hydroelectric power generation ________. is an alternative to fossil fuels that produces fewer greenhouse gases We build dams to ________. generate electricity, prevent flooding and provide irrigation Currently, the greatest ecological crisis facing marine food webs is ________. overharvesting Of the following greenhouse gases, ________ concentrations have increased the most since 1750. methane Sinkholes result from ________. overconsumption of water from aquifers weakening the substrate Carbon monoxide ________. blocks oxygen transport in human blood Bathymetry is best defined as the study of ________. ocean depths The greenhouse effect involves warming of Earths surface and the ________. troposphere
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Receiving Inspiration from the Small Things We Encounter. EssaySupply.com
Receiving Inspiration from the Small Things We Encounter Receiving Inspiration from the Small Things We Encounter When we were children, we did not pay much attention to world leaders and other public figures whose achievements and speeches inspired our parents. Our worlds were made up of the little pleasures, the everyday observations we made of our physical world, our playmates and our teachers - the simple fun of watching a ladybug travel across a large leaf or the happiness of having a friend over to play. As adults, we forget these marvels of our childhood, and we seek to be inspired by the big ideas, by the big heroes, and by the major accomplishments of mankind, just as our parents did. We have forgotten our childhood inspirations, and maybe we should try to capture those types of things again. Maybe we need to remind ourselves that sources of inspiration are all around us. Here are some examples that may cause you to pause, take a breath, and really see your world. Nature When was the last time you stopped to observe some wonders of nature from which you could draw inspiration? Here are a few things you might want to re-visit: Watch a bee as it extracts pollen from a flower Watch a colony of ants carrying food back to their nest Watch a hummingbird feed itself with its wings moving so fat, you can barely see them Watch a mama robin pull a worm from the ground, mush it up in her mouth and then feed it to her babies in the nest. How hard these little critters work, just for their daily sustenance and to ensure that their species live on. This should inspire all of us to work harder, not just for the sake of our own children but for the sake of all generations to come. What inspiration can we get to do whatever we can, if only on an individual basis, to care for our planet so that future generations have a safe, clean environment in which to raise their children? People We have big heroes – Steven Hawking, the hometown hero who rescued children from a burning building and became an overnight local news sensation, Mother Theresa, the Pope, a politician whose speeches captivate and inspire us. Who, for example, can forget John Kennedy’s words, â€Å"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.† But what about the small heroes we encounter every day – people who are generous, kind, courageous, and serve as role models to others. The kid who steps in and helps another who is being bullied The man who stops by a disabled homeless individual and proceeds to give him a large donation The child cancer victims who are putting up a courageous fight and remaining positive The diner who leaves a huge tip because s/he knows how little servers make The man on the street who rakes his elderly neighbor’s leaves and shovels her driveway in the winter. All of these people should inspire us to be better than we are. If we continue to look around ourselves, as we go about our daily lives and activities, we will find those things and people that inspire us – It’s what we do with that inspiration that then really counts.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
DEVELOPING AND MANAGING PERFORMANCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
DEVELOPING AND MANAGING PERFORMANCE - Essay Example Building performance is not a day affair in business management; it is rather a value creation that should run throughout the existence of a business organization. This value creation must be evidenced in the way a manager handles performance in the workforce. Hence, the staff must be recognized and encouraged if a manager really wishes them to do their best in the workforce. Staff encouragement must be an ongoing process of overseeing performance throughout the year (‘Performance management’ 2012). Organizations should map out policies and strategies that will lead to the improvement of performance. The issue of performance in the workplace is multi-faceted because there are a lot of sub-issues in it. This includes issues of reward, compensation, giving out responsibility to the employees, creating conducive environment for learning and career advancement etc. In this paper, we will look at how overall performance in a workplace can be easily managed for good productivi ty. 1. How 2 key elements of the reward and development practices used either explicitly or implicitly in the case study organization could contribute to the overall performance of the organization – a critical evaluation. The case-study organization, Pentangelli’s, has two major elements in the creation of the performance policy in the organization, namely reward and development. ... The aspect of reward that could be given a considerable attention by Pentangelli’s is mainly internal since there is no visible sign of lack in external reward which is mainly monetary compensation (Ingram 2012). Because of this, the management of Pentangelli’s could have looked into the internal reward system which would have not only boosted the morale of the staff but also contributed intrinsically in the development and success of Pentangelli’s. Giving someone recognition and acknowledgement for a work done has the psychological power of increasing the effort of a person. Praise naturally will make a worker strive for perfection which can lead him to an overall effective performance (‘What is total reward’ 2006). Recognition can come in various forms. It can be in the form of recognizing the importance and talents of the workers by constantly engaging them in the day to day running of the business. Allowing the managers to take decisions independ ently is a motivation that is even better than monetary compensation (Schalkwijk 2013), and this is where Lucas, the second manager of Pentangelli’s, failed. His mistake was that he appointed one person, Jean, to run the 6 outlets of Pentangelli’s without giving consideration to time. As a human being, Jean was not to be expected to run the 6 business outlets, especially considering his approach towards the issues of management. As reported in the case study, he always insisted on detailed explanation of how the managers he appointed should look after the outlets. This certainly was counterproductive because time did not permit him to achieve this. This could be a reason why he suffered an accident
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